레노버 노트북 무선 인터넷이 안되는 증상으로 방문해 주셨습니다. 설치된 윈도우의 문제로 무선 인터넷이 안되고 있었는데요. 윈도우 재설치를 통해서 무선 인터넷을 잡을 수 있었습니다. 무작정 드라이버만 설치해달라고 오셨던 기억인데요. 윈도우를 잘못 설치하면, 아무리 드라이버를 잡으려고해도 안되는 경우가 있습니다. (레노버 아이디어3 15IML05 81WB00J8KR)
동탄노트북수리 윈도우설치 후 무선인터넷 안되는 레노버 노트북
레노버 아이디어3 15IML05 81WB00J8KR 노트북입니다. 댁(동탄신도시)에서 셀프로 윈도우10 설치한 ...
Lenovo Idea 3 15IML05 81WB00J8KR Laptop. I installed Windows 10 by myself at your house (Dongtan New City) and downloaded the driver from Lenovo's official website, but he visited me on Dongtan Computer as a symptom that the wireless LANCARD driver could not be installed. Due to a problem with the window installation process, we have replaced the window reinstallation process.
15IML05 This is the process of reinstalling the Lenovo laptop window with no wireless Internet access (inner room from Dongtan).
Wireless Internet is working normally after reinstalling Windows 10.
This is a video that checks Internet behavior after window boot.
This is a laptop that can't catch a wireless Internet driver. After reinstalling the Windows 10 (20H2) clean, the wireless Internet will operate normally.
15IML05 Motion Video After Repairing Dongtan Laptop
Below, you can see the appearance of the laptop and its features.
It has a separate numeric keyboard, so it's good for office use. (Comfortable to enter numbers)
15-inch Lenovo Laptop 15IML05 Keyboard
The power button is not included in the keyboard and is made separately. It's a 15-inch laptop, so there's a lot of space, so the buttons don't spare much space.
Lenovo Laptop Power Button
The Lenovo laptop can enter Simos mode by pressing F2. (Some models require pressing F2 while holding down the Fn key.)
Lenovo Laptop Simos Mode Entry F2
Configuration of the port on the right side. There are headset (four pole terminal) terminals, Lenovo special features, and SD card reader. (Lenovo is equipped with a lot of SD readers. I usually use T-Flash (Micro SD) these days, but it's a bit disappointing.
Configuration of the right-side
There are three USB ports arranged side by side on the left side. I think it would be nice to make one for the right side, too. That's too bad. There are power ports and HDMI output ports.
Configuration of USB ports
There's a power LED sign. When the power is on, the LED lights up on the power button and the power LED on the right side. This is a double checkable part.
Lenovo Laptop Behavior LED, etc.
The charging LED is located where the adapter cord is plugged in. When I connect the adapter, a red LED comes on. If it's fully charged, I think it'll turn into a white LED.
Lenovo Laptop Charging LED
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