노트북의 저장공간이 부족해서 찾아오신 손님의 삼성노트북입니다. 하이닉스 500기가 제품으로 업그레이드를 진행했습니다.
CPU 온도가 높게 올라가는 제품이네요.
노트북 분해 중
분해후 SSD 업그레이드 진행 중
큰 사진은 아래의 사이트를 참고바랍니다.
병점노트북수리 NT500R5M SSD 용량 증설
병점에서 방문해 주신 고객님의 삼성 노트북입니다. NT500R5M-X78입니다. SSD128기가 + HDD1테...
This is your Samsung laptop that you visited at the hospital. NT500R5M-X78. A laptop with SSD128 gigabytes + HDD1 terra. The capacity of the built-in SSD was small, so there was not enough space on drive C with the operating system installed. So I used to install and run games on a hard disk, but because the hard disk was slow, I wanted to install games on an SSD, so I replaced the existing 128-gig SSD with a 500-gig Hynix product.
An SSD upgrade is possible only when the back plate of the NT500R5M-X78 is disassembled. I also removed the hard disk. Memory slots do not need to be opened.
If you break down the laptop, it's the structure below. There is room underneath the white middle cable for the M.2 SSD. We are going to remove the battery first and replace the M.2 SSD.
The shape of the backboard plate, the interior of the laptop, and the SSD on the left side of the SSD show the M.2 SSD slot when you lift the white cable connected to the small board and the main board.
It's equipped with the LITEON CV3-8D128 SSD. M.2 SSD with Sata 3 interface.
=> Maximum read speed of 500MB/s.
The SSD below is SK Hynix GOLD P31 NVMe. Leveraging PCIe interface
=> Maximum read speed of 3500MB/s.
Sockets can be plugged in M-type, but there are laptops that are not recognized on the main board. Fortunately, the laptop below also supports NVMe M.2 SSDs. Unfortunately, 860 EVO 500-Gig products with traditional SATA3 interfaces can be upgraded to bottlenecks.
We are verifying that SSDs are normally recognized in SATA (up, LITON), PCIe (down, SK Hynix) interfaces, and Simos mode.
I heard that the heat level is high and the fan noise is severe, so I also applied thermal grease again. I think it's a structure that's bound to have a high fever. Isn't the heat sink too small? I'd like to. We haven't done thermal compound re-application for 3~4 years, so it'd be good if you could re-apply it when you break it down like this. Wipe the hardened summer clean and replace it with a new summer compound.
MX-4 thermal compound re-applied and reassembled. It is always good to leave out battery power when carrying out internal work. Reconnect the battery power cable when reassembling.
We're reinstalling Windows 10 (20H2) version after upgrading the capacity to 500GB of your laptop SSD you visited at the store. First of all, we removed the hard disk with personal data stored and installed Windows 10 OS with only SSD. After Windows installation and update, we will install the hard disk and set it to D-drive (DATA).
This is the process of installing a new SSD and installing Windows 10 on Byungjeom's Samsung laptop.
I checked the temperature of the laptop during the window update process after installing the window. As shown below, 56 degrees is the current temperature and the maximum temperature is over 80 degrees. It's hard to cool down, so it looks good to use a laptop holder with a fan. And I recommended removing the keyboard cover and using it. I think it would be helpful to take off the keyboard cover that keeps you warm on the main board of your laptop, like Evil, and to relieve the heat from the main board and CPU. (for good ventilation)
This is a laptop that essentially raises CPU temperature without doing anything special.
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