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MSI GP75 분해기
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GP75 Leopard 분해
GP75 Leopard 노트북입니다. 하드디스크 추가 장착을 위해서 내방해주셨는데요. 뒷면의 나사를 모두 해...
GP75 Leopard Notebook. He came to my room to install an additional hard disk.
Unscrew all the screws on the back.
We also removed the factory room (in fact, if we're going to take it apart anyway, we have to open it).
Collect the inside of the laptop. It's a high-end laptop, so there are a lot of heat radiators (copper) covering the CPU and graphics card chipset. I think it's twice as much as a regular laptop. There is a hard disk bay where you can add an HDD under the left fan, but there is no bracket that can be fixed. I don't know if I have to buy it individually, but once I have a hard disk fitted and fixed, I've arbitrarily reduced the gap with plastic sponges and guides.
The hard disk is slim, so I added a thin plastic border for SSD and put a sponge under the hard disk to fix the hard disk so that it doesn't fall down. The sponge used was fixed with a slightly hard sponge in the AMD CPU box.
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