LG 노트북 15UD470 내부 모습
15UD470-GX3DK 분해 및 메모리 업그레이드 작업
LG 노트북 15UD470-GX3DK 입니다. 메모리 업그레이드를 위해서 내방해주셨는데요. 메모리교체 작업...
This is LG Notebook 15UD470-GX3DK. You came to my room to upgrade your memory. In order to work on replacing the memory, the lower plate must be completely removed before it can be replaced. The screws are not complicated, and the size of the screws is constant, so there will be no big problem in disassembling them. You can check the mainboard by opening the lower board as below.
The main board is equipped with 4 gigabytes of memory. I have one more DDR44GB memory. The battery power cable was removed and reseated prior to additional memory installation. Before closing the lid, it is important to make sure that the battery cable is properly installed.
Lower plate = shell shape. If you check the area where the plastic clasp gets caught, it might be a little easier to break it down.
The Phoenix SecureCore Technology Setup Simos screen is confirming that 2 memory is being detected normally. The CPU contains i3-7100 (2.4 GHz) products. L1 Cache 32 KB × 2, L2 Cache 256 KB × 2, L3 Cache 3 MB
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