15U560-GR30KN 분해 및 SSD 교체 작업
LG 노트북 15U560-GR30KN 입고됐습니다. 하드디스크 교체 슬롯을 별도로 만들어놓지 않은 노트북이...
LG Laptop 15U560-GR30KN has been stocked. It is a laptop that does not have a separate hard disk replacement slot, so it is a model that can replace SSDs only when the entire bottom plate is removed. The model has a fixed screw under the anti-slip pad at the bottom of the laptop, so you have to carefully tear the anti-slip pad, remove the screw, and remove the bottom plate.
If you decompose 15U560-GR30KN, it decomposes as below. Remove the existing hard disk.
We are going to replace it with a new Samsung SSD.
You can reassemble it in reverse order of the method you released.
There is also a slot in the middle that can be equipped with M.2 SSD. If you can afford it, it would not be a bad idea to use M.2 SSD. However, since the hard disk is slow, how about removing the hard disk and using it as SSD alone or M.2 SSD + 2.5" SSD? I'd like to. (Of course, SSDs are bad and it's hard to recover if they're bad, so make sure you get a good backup.)
Disconnect the battery power line, work on it, reconnect the connector, and close the lid.
After confirming that the newly installed SSD was recognized on the System Information screen, we proceeded with the installation of Windows 10 2004 version.
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