WD40이 팬소음에 좋지 않다는 소문이 있어서 테스트 삼아서 넣어보려고 했는데 매장에 마침 WD40은 없고 액체그리스가 있어서 테스트를 해봤습니다. 액체그리스가 의외로 효과가 괜찮네요. 나중에 WD 40도 실제로 넣어보고 사용해봐야겠습니다. (실험)
(나바켐) 액체그리스 => 팬 베어링 분사
며칠전에 미싱오일을 작은 통에 나눠 담으면서, https://blog.naver.com/dongtancom/222247860120 "W...
컴퓨터 케이스 팬 소음에 WD40 뿌리기 (2개월 후 팬소음 재발)
WD40으로 처음으로 테스트를 해볼 글인데요. 실험 과정에서 조건 문제가 있었을 수도 있으니깐, 참고용으...
팬소음 WD40 방청윤활제 뿌리고 그 다음 이야기...
https://blog.naver.com/dongtancom/222623134181 (요약) 팬 소음 있는 컴퓨터 케이스에 팬에 액체 그리스를 보충해서 몇 개월 사용해보고 팬 소음이 다시 발생해서, WD 40을 넣어서 몇 개월 사용해보고 남긴 후
세면대 물막는 장치, 누르는 팝업형 물마개 고장 (눌러도 안빠짐)
세면대 물막는 누르는 팝업형 마개 (버튼식) 화장실 세면대 물 내려가는 걸 막는 푸시형 마개가 고장이 잘 나더라고요. 한 번 들어가서 안나오면, 몇번을 누르고 ㅈㄹ발광하면, 어쩌다가 열립니
These days, fans with fan noise are discarded without storing them separately, so there aren't many bad fans with fan noise. I've saved it once before. It was messy and I didn't test it, so I threw it all away. After that, we don't collect broken pans and discard them. Below is a case pan with vibration due to the recent shaking of the shaft. Fortunately, there's a hole in the middle where you can replenish the oil, so I added an additional lubricant. (Some pans are difficult because they do not drill oil replenishment holes in the center. Click Related)
This is a 3R system case fan C20F-E47X. It's a fan that was attached to the bottom of the case, but I removed it because of the severe vibration. I added liquid grease before disposal.
There are a lot of rumors on the Internet that using WD40 ruins the fan, so I looked up the WD40 in the store and found it out. I should go to Daiso and get a small bucket. First of all, we only have similar products (Nabakem) liquid grease in the store, so we sprayed this product. Usually, when removing rusty screws, spray them, wait, and remove them? I bought it to spray it when the door or hinge makes a noise, and to spray it on machines that need lubricants, such as bicycle chains. If I buy a box, I think I use it for years. (It's a lot of use, but it's rarely used in everyday life.))
The components of WD 40 may be a little different, but the usage seems almost the same.
Below is the characteristics written on the back of the container and how to use it.
Product Description and Features on Back
It has excellent long-term lubrication, anti-corrosive and heterozygous effects. It can be used during operation, so it's easy to work with. It has excellent adhesion and does not contaminate the surroundings. It is good for lubricating and penetrating complex structures or deep inside. It has strong water-resistant and heat-resistant properties.
Lubrication of chain, wire rope, open gear, open bearing, flat water supply, Cam, Roller, screw, spindle (rotating device), humidity, and other devices
How to use
1. Spray directly where lubrication is required. (Tip => Do not spray it on the wings and do not overflow on the rotating shaft in the center of the pan.)
2. The sprayed liquid changes to a highly adhesive grease film state over time.
The liquid grease is sprayed on the bearing hole and bubbles are forming. I think it's working something. (REPLACE RELATED SCREW RUSTING)
=> In 2019, we were using Patex P-100 products... I don't think I used it all. I lent it to a neighbor, but I used it all.
=> This product seems to be used for almost a few years if it's not sprayed on a large machine. I'll have to buy a product with a maker.
It's bubbling with liquid grease.
I put in liquid copper and put it on for a while. It's smooth and smoothly. Of course, you need to run it for more than a few months and see how it works. It's connected to a subcomputer, so when testing your computer's hard disk, I'm going to put it on top of the hard disk and use it to lower the heat. I'll add a review later.
Apply to liquid grease case fan bearings
I think it would be better if we had a control group. Next time a case with fan noise issues comes in, we can test putting different lubricants in the same fan model. (It's annoying to think about it. Rather than oiling and maintaining a noisy computer like this, it's more certain to replace it with a new fan and it can cost you a lot of money, so it's not worth looking for it.)
This video was taken at 11 a.m. the next day. The fan was spinning slowly.
(2021, 11:00 a.m. on 02/23) Fan action video
I checked again around 3 p.m., and it's working fine. (It's a computer that only works when you check your hard disk, not when you keep turning the fan.)
(02/23/2021 at 3:00 p.m.) Fan action video
It's a video taken around 11 a.m. on the 24th. It's still working fine.
(02/24/2021) Fan action video
Fan action video on 02/25/2021 - initially spinning slowly. (I think it's a pan that's likely to have this symptom no matter what lubricant you put in (mishing oil, engine oil, bearing oil, bearing oil). After a while, it goes back to normal.)
(02/25/2021) Fan action
February 25, 2021 Fan Action Video 2
(02/25/2021) Fan action video 2
This is a video of the fan movement on April 15th, 2021. There are no symptoms of slow rotation at the first turn, and it's working well.
April 15, 2021 Fan action video
[Fan noise related article]
Is there a shaking sound from the computer?
It's a computer that makes noise while using the computer. However, it's not the case that you visited because of the noise problem. Install Windows...
Even with dispensing grease, such as WD40,
Can't you just spray it on a computer board like you spray it on an engine or an industrial machine?
Only slightly (about a drop or two) on the axis where the fan rotates. Not overflowing) Lightly, well, to the point.
So that it doesn't overflow into the hole cap and sticker area, just a little bit?
If it's hard to control the force, is it good to use it in a syringe or a spoid?
To fold the paper in half as a temporary method, spray it on the paper, spill it, etc.
Don't spray it like a mosquito, but I think I'll put a little bit in the right place a little bit.
그래픽카드에 WD40 뿌리기?
컴퓨터의 예전 사진을 백업하다보니 재밌는 사진이 있어서 올려봅니다. 2012년에 수리했었던 사진인데요. ...
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