컴퓨터 팬소음에 사용할 미싱오일을 작은통에 나눠담았습니다.
미싱오일 작은통에 나눠담기 (팬소음)
수년 전에 팬소음있는 팬에 넣어준다고 구입한 미싱 오일인데 ... 요즘은 베어링 오일을 주로 사용하고 웬...
It's a sewing oil that I bought years ago to put in a noisy pan. These days, we usually use bearing oil and if possible, we replace it with a new one, so we rarely use it. That's why I kept it in the corner. Recently, Ali sold small containers, so I divided them up. I wonder if the plastic material can be stored for a long time.
We didn't have a suitable funnel, so we used needleless syringes, so we divided them. If I use a syringe well, I can use it for a year, so I squeezed it twice. The inside is wider than the needle, so it would be good to use it like a syringe. When you stand up the container, it drips down one drop at a time.
Besides sewing oil, engine oil is fine. If I have a chance, I think I should put WD 40 won in it and try it. It's dusty on the Internet? They say you can't use it for cutting off bearings. I think it'll be okay because it's "Lubricant". But, it's annoying because it takes a lot of time to test this. I think it's worth trying to put it inside the bearing. It's a bit difficult without a bearing oil replenishment hole, but wouldn't it be difficult for a product with a cap to get dust easily?
It's a fan on the Appco Six Fan Case. Starting with a six-pan, it would have been difficult to put a good pan in a low-end case. As expected, fan noise is being generated. I was wondering if you could put in the oil, but all the holes in the pan are blocked. You can drill it in with a drill bit, but why? Did they take it off? I think it would be better to replace it with a new one. (Related: Hammer fan noise)
팬소음 WD40 없어서 액체그리스로 테스트 (Test with liquid grease without pan noise WD40) (0) | 2021.05.23 |
NT300E5C 노트북 분해 (Disassemble Laptop) (0) | 2021.05.22 |
NT900X3K CPU radiator disassembly (0) | 2021.05.20 |
콕스 미니 큐브 간단 조립 후기 (Cox Mini Cube Simple Assembly Review) (0) | 2021.05.19 |
동탄 출입문 수리 업체 (0) | 2021.05.18 |
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