CPU 방열판 나사가 없는 노트북도 분해 청소가 가능하네요.
방열판이 이렇게 붙어있는 모델은 메인보드를 완전 분해하면, 뒷면에 방열판을 풀 수 있는 나사가 있었네요...
The model with the heat shield attached to it completely disassembles the main board.
There was a screw on the back that could loosen the heat shield.
I don't usually look for it because I'm not that curious.
I was suddenly curious, so I looked it up, and it was as follows.
There's someone who took it apart and cleaned it. (That's a lot of effort.)
Samsung Laptop 9 (NX900X3K) Disassembling/Dust Removal/Pan Cleaning/CPU Thermal Grease Re-Paper/SSD Replacement
This product is Samsung's Notebook 9 (model name: NX900...), which I have been using as a business laptop since 2016.
It is often done as a service while replacing memory or SSD.
If it goes well for repairs, it'll pay off. If it doesn't, it'll rip you off.
I don't think it's going to be easy to take apart this much and clean it for you!
I need to revise all the posts I wrote before.
NT300E5C 노트북 분해 (Disassemble Laptop) (0) | 2021.05.22 |
컴퓨터 팬소음과 미싱오일 소분 (Computer fan noise and sewing oil subdivisions) (0) | 2021.05.21 |
콕스 미니 큐브 간단 조립 후기 (Cox Mini Cube Simple Assembly Review) (0) | 2021.05.19 |
동탄 출입문 수리 업체 (0) | 2021.05.18 |
뇌파로 움직이는 장난감 (토끼귀) cute cat ears - Toys powered by brain waves. (0) | 2021.05.17 |
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