런닝맨에서 나온 게임 중에 뇌파를 이용해서 움직이는 머릿띠가 재밌네요.
이걸 만든 회사에서 여러가지 시제품을 내놨는데 ... 앞으로 어떤 세상이 올지 궁금해지네요.
고양이귀 만든 회사 홈페이지 https://neurowear.com/
communication for the near future
런닝맨에 나온 뇌파로 움직이는 여우귀 그리고 꼬리
https://youtu.be/X_sR3nyL-q8 2020년 10월 방영된 방송인가 보네요. 아주 귀여운 고양이귀를 착용하고 ...
It must have been aired in October 2020.
We wore cute cat ears and played the electroencephalography game.
(It looks more like a fox than a cat.))
I think it's a device that reads brain waves and moves them.
I think it's a very good idea.
I looked up YouTube and it came out 10 years ago.
A device that can communicate with objects.
Everything that's not yet connected to the online world.
I don't think it's that far away when I connect to the Internet.
Yet it is funny, but because "recording devices" is bulky smartphone.
Glasses to one day light or pets as (honeybees) will follow.
(due to infection prevention, air pollution) screen (helmet safety, I've seen him,) device providing supplemental oxygen were Reinhold Messner, information and can go.
They create a new space in the same space.
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