얌샘김밥 동탄능동점 : 네이버
리뷰 15 · 매일 09:00 - 21:00
동탄에 튀김이 맛있는 김밥집
길거리에서 파는 튀김은 식으면 또 튀겨서 튀김 자체가 기름을 많이 먹어서 눅눅한 곳이 많은데요. 여기 김...
튀김 맛있어요~ 방금 튀겨서 바삭바삭합니다.
The fries on the street get fried when it cools down, so the fries themselves eat a lot of oil, so there are a lot of places that are soggy places.
The fried kimbap restaurant here is fried right after ordering, so it's crispy and in a very good condition. (I'd like to sell chicken, too.))
It's better to eat it right away at a restaurant when it's hot because it cools down when it's packaged or delivered.
Fried vegetables, dried seaweed, pumpkin, sweet potato, dumpling
This is Yumsam Kimbap restaurant (next door to Shinhan Bank ATM) at the intersection of Active Bank.
It's a kimbap restaurant, but the store is clean, clean, and there are many people who cook inside.
The serving boss is very nice!
The ingredients are fresh because there are a lot of deliveries and the food turns well.
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