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컴퓨터 폭발 사례 모음 (파워서플라이, 파워, 전원공급장치) a computer explosion


by 동탄컴퓨터수리점 2023. 7. 4. 10:00


컴퓨터 폭발 사례 모음 (파워서플라이, 파워, 전원공급장치)



파워 폭발 사례 모음



파워서플라이 폭발 (휴즈 유리 폭발)

When I write on the Internet, I think I tend to get related work. It may be a coincidence, but if you write an unusual computer repair article and write an exploded power story, such as an unusual computer coming in for a week or two (first time in your life), it seems that you get a lot of related repairs. I usually get a computer with a power explosion, but how many months does it take? I tend to come in like this, and it's not common, but I came in two to three times a week, so I thought this.



I think there's something that attracts Internet posts like "magnets."


(Although the expiration date is not long)


When it comes to power explosions, many people think it's as much as grenade explosions, but I've never experienced it before. (I heard that there is a huge sound when a large capacitor with one block explodes. I've never had a real experience.) When I had a 220V short circuit, I was really surprised, the secondary capacitor burst is just cute, and when I power-resolved, I was surprised by a spark when the coil burst. (Power shell = I rarely open the lid and turn it on.)




If you're short-circuited while working on electricity, you'll go "scissors, nipper blades."

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