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FAN 콘트롤러 케이스에 고정하는 방법 (How to secure to FAN controller case)


by 동탄컴퓨터수리점 2023. 7. 3. 14:41


FAN 콘트롤러 케이스에 고정하는 방법



수랭 쿨러나 전면 / 후면 팬이 많으면, 팬 분배기를 케이스에 달아야할 경우가 생깁니다. 어디 떨어지지 않도록 잘 고정해두면 좋은데요. 양면테이프로 고정할 수 있는 찍찍이있습니다. 땠다가 달았다가 위치 조정도 가능하니 편리합니다. (아래 게시글 참고)





"벨크로, 찍직이"를 이용한 컴퓨터 부속 고정

수랭 쿨러 같은 거 케이스에 달면, 콘트롤러 같이 튀어나온 장치를 케이스 뒤면에 고정해야할 때가 있습니...


팬 콘트롤러 고정하는 방법


When you attach a water cooler or something to a case, you may need to fix a protruding device, such as a controller, to the back of the case. There are many ways to fix it with double-sided tape or glue gun, but I've been using double-sided tape Velcro recently. (There aren't that many water cooler assemblies or repairs.)



Velcro/velcro, male and female (scarp, boseul)



The computer below is a defective water cooling cooler. I didn't assemble it, but it's a repair agent. Too many lines. No matter who assembles it, it's hard to organize the water cooler computer with LED. They provided the distributor of the cooling fan of the three-row water cooling cooler and fixed it to the case using Velcro like this. (Assuming that the SSD guide is not used additionally. There are spare slots on the left and right sides as well.)







Using Velcro tape, I attached the fan power distributor.



I don't think it matters where you attach the rough/boseul. I attached a rough case and Boseul under the fan distributor. There is no particular (logical) reason. (The tip of the umbrella is rough and the base of the umbrella is bostle. I think we should go into the umbrella so that the person who designed it doesn't know about it because it gets caught easily by some kind of violet = clothing, so I think the product will come out like that in general. It could have been designed like that because it's more fragile. If you buy an umbrella and you don't lose it, how many years do you use it? It's a brain official that if there's a functional problem, the umbrella seller will live on.)




Combine the male and female Velcro and attach the => double-sided tape to the case for easy positioning of the velcro.





I'm using it fixed like this




Fixture of computer accessories using Velcro


securing with velcro





PS. LED power connectors are not good because they come off easily.


I hope to see an improved version in a way it's signed...





[Collection of posts related to Velcro]





How to line up your computer in a computer repair shop

Hello. This is the computer repair shop next to Dongtan Central Park. [Previously] I bought a cable cover. https://blog...







Dongtan Com's Lifestyle | Lifestyle Super App, Today's House

Computer line arrangement, cover it with a velcro cover. #Computer #LineOrganization # Velcro #Cover Velcro It's neat if you organize it first with a cloth cover. #Organizing #Computerdesk #Velcro #It is good to mark with colored electric tape according to the purpose of the cloth cover cable. #Organizing Computer Lines #Organizing Desk #How it looks after organizing electric tape wires, it is good to tie cables in the same direction. When you feel like you need to fix it like this, it's good to organize it's good. If you organize it in the middle, you have to solve it again. It is recommended that devices that you move frequently are released freely without tying them up. ...





Attach the Velcro to the back of the fan controller and secure it



Line up with Velcro



Parcel point computer assembly agent (case replacement and CPU, cooler replacement)

This is a guest from Byeongjeom. You transferred the existing computer case to a new case and requested to replace the CPU and CPU cooler in the previous process. We also worked on moving the existing case fan to the new case. (Pre-installing 5 case fans) It takes more time to disassemble and reassemble than to assemble new parts. It's hard to work on the same day. I need about a day to work on it. It is difficult to combine with other repair work during the day. Case replacement process. 0. Decomposition process Disassemble all existing accessories from the case. Backline...








It's a prototype - Velcro I bought from Ali, and it's useless, but I think it can be used somewhere.



Circular Velcro Type

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