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저는 아래와 같은 용도로 사용했습니다.
2260 슬롯에 2242 사이즈 엠닷투 SSD를 꽂았습니다.
M.2 SSD "2242 또는 2260"을 2280 변환 시키는 연장 가이드
Some LG laptops use M.2 SSDs in size 2260. The 2260 is an SSD of an uncommon standard, so your local computer store is running out of stock. If you place an order, you can place a new order, but the manufacturer does not have products like Samsung or SK Hynix, and it is mainly produced by small and medium-sized companies. It's coming out as well. These days, the M.2 SSD (2280) size of the NVMe method is mostly used.
I have a used SSD of size 2242 in the store, so I tried to install it on an LG laptop that uses size 2260.
The M.2 extension gender looks like the following. It's a product that's mainly used for converting to an M.2 standard, "2280 size", so when I first put it on, why doesn't it fit? I was wondering. I connected it somehow, but I had to work on it later, so why is it correct? I checked it out slowly. As I mentioned before, I think it was because the purpose of the product is to convert it to size 2280.
In the picture, the left side is full and the right side is cut by me. The round nut part is the part where the SSD and the screw are combined.
M.2 SSD Extension Gender Guide
I drew the size of each type of M.2 SSD. (Unit mm) To mount the 2242 product I had in my LG laptop 2260 socket, I needed an extension guide of 18mm.
Checking the size
If you cut it into a size that can be plugged into 2260 => 2280 as shown below, the size did not fit. 20mm
2260 => 2280 Socket Mounting Guide
It's 18mm when I accidentally use a spare part in the middle. I used this to plug the 2242 SSD into the => 2260 M.2 socket.
Found 18mm guide.
I don't see any electrical contacts on the PCB circuit board, but it's good to use it safely with insulation, so I applied yellow tape.
Attaching Insulating Tape
I connected the SSD and extension guide with a nut that can hold the M2 size screw as shown below.
The M2 nut has been placed underneath to secure the guide.
I was thinking about shooting it with a glue gun and fixing it completely, but I only fixed the insulation tape additionally because it could be secured enough with just the screw anyway. I don't think it'll matter if I don't. It is fully secured by the pressure of the screw and nut.
I fastened the screw and wound the insulation tape once.
I plugged it into the laptop's 2260 M.2 SSD slot and fixed it.
I have an SSD on my laptop.
The above gender is hard to get in the neighborhood because you don't know when it will be used. You can just attach it to the substrate with thick double-sided tape. It might be difficult to open it later, so I don't think I'll put it on a large area. There is also a way to add a hard sponge (such as a noise-cancelling guard sticker under the table) to the bottom cover of the laptop.
To secure with double-sided tape
꼭 저 젠더가 아니더라도 M.2 SSD가 떨어지지만 않게 고정할 수 있다면, 무슨 방법이든 사용해서 슬롯에서 빠지지 않도록 고정하면 됩니다. 컴퓨터 수리는 정답이 없습니다. 다양한 아이디어로 응용하면 됩니다. 양면테이프로 고정만 되면, 상관 없어요. 안 빠지면 됨! 근데, 나중에 교체할 수 있도록 고정하는 게 좋기는 합니다. 강력하게 접착해두면, 나중에 분리하기가 어렵습니다. M.2 SSD의 칩셋이 뜯길 수도 있으니깐요.
SATA형 SSD 중에서 플라스틱 케이스 제품은 저가형 제품이 많고, 알미늄 등 금속형 껍데기 제품은 고급형 (D램 포함됨) 제품이 많습니다. 아닌 경우도 있겠지만, 플라스틱이 아무래도 금속보단 저
M.2 SSD 고정하는 나사의 크기는? 1.8~1.9mm
나사의 굵기는 아래와 게시글과 같습니다. blog.naver.com/dongtancom/222186126963 M.2 고정나사, 볼트의 크기 (ASROCK과 ASUS) 고객님 컴퓨터의 M.2 SSD입니다. SSD를 고정하기 위한 볼트가 메인보드 박스 안에 있
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