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메모리 접속 불량 (램 불량 vs 램 소켓 불량) Bad memory connection


by 동탄컴퓨터수리점 2023. 7. 3. 14:29


메모리 접속 불량 (램 불량 vs 램 소켓 불량) Bad memory connection


메인보드 램 슬롯 불량



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램 슬롯 청소하는 방법

If the memory slot pin is bent, it is difficult to recover.


Memory slot pin repair is not allowed, only motherboard replacement is possible.






The memory slot itself has become more and more defective.


The pin of the slot where the memory is mounted is bent as shown below


There are a lot of cases.




Old memory DDR1, DDR2, etc


I haven't experienced a lot of these slot defects


On a board that uses DDR3 memory


There is a memory slot defect as below.








72-pin SO-DIMM (different from 2-pin SIMM): Used in FPM DRAM and EDO DRAM


100-pin DIMM: Used in Printer SDRAM


144 Pin SO-DIMM: Used in SDR SDRAM


168-pin DIMM: SDR SDRAM (slightly used by workstations/servers for FPM/EDO DRAM)


172-pin microphone for DIMM: DDR SDRAM


184-pin DIMM: Used in DDR SDRAM


200-pin SO-DIMM: Used in DDR SDRAM and DDR2 SDRAM


204-pin SO-DIMM: Used in DDR3 SDRAM


214-pin microphone for DIMM: DDR2 SDRAM




244-pin DIMMs: Mini-DIMMs - Used in DDR2 SDRAM




[Source] Wikipedia https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/DIMM






DDR2 and DDR3 both have the same number of pins with 240 pins


The pins in the DDR3 memory slot bend well.


It's hard to explain













The thickness of the pin looks a bit differentten thousand


It's not accurate to see with your eyes


I think we need to take the pins off the slot and compare them


(It's not easy to remove the pin, so I'll try it next time. ^^)





Removed socket pin from memory slot.






DDR2 DDR3 Memory Slot Pin Comparison

Bad motherboard memory slot - &#5459...











First of all, if you look at a memory slot failure case, bad memory slot,







It is defective regardless of the main board model.



If it's a low-cost board,


You might think it's because it's a low-end board


The motherboards of major companies like Gigabyte, ASUS


The pin bends as shown above.



It's not just one slot


I had symptoms of pin bending in about 2 slots. ​





Damage to pins in memory slot 1 of ECS H61H2-M2 product


Fortunately, slot 2 is alive


I'm using it at home right now.




Memory slot 2 had one bent pin


I don't know if it was a pin that didn't really matter to the movement...


It's working fine without a blue screen.




The above board is also an ECS P67H2-A v1.1 board.


Among the ECS boards, it's a medium-priced board


Memory slot has many bent pins.




When you plug in the memory,


Consumer's fault? There could beten thousand


In fact, when you put the memory in the slot, the pin breaks


Principles are not easily understood.







I can't say it's the same as the key above




When the memory is inserted into the memory slot,


The pins in the same slot as above are lined up


It's going to be connected to a pin in the memory in a line.




Some kind of force worked,


I wonder if the pin bends.











In the case of the ECS board above


The pins have been rolled in


The thickness of the pin in the slot and the frictional force when installing memory


I think it's not balanced well.











Gigabyte => ASUS board is a


The pins in the memory slot don't get entangled inside


I lied down outside...



This part is influenced by a certain force


It's hard to tell if it's bent out like this. ​




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