방열판 밑면에 스크래치 나지말라고, 신품 확인차 스크래치 방지 필름이 부착된 제품이 간혹 있습니다. 스크래치 방지 필름을 제거하고 쿨러를 조립해야 하는데, 그냥 조립하면 온도가 안 잡혀서 방문하시는 경우가 더러 있습니다. 또한 AMD CPU를 구입하신 분들 중에서 AMD 스티커를 CPU 위에 부착하시는 분들이 더러 있습니다.
유튜브에서 그렇게 부착하라고 방송했을까 싶을 정도로 적지 않은 인원이 그렇게 부착하는 경우가 있는데, 지금와서 생각해보니깐, CPU에 그렇게 부착하라고 방송하는 경우는 없을테고요. (감히 예측) 아마도 SSD같이 유통사에서 A/S 보증하는 경우에 보증 스티커를 제품에 부착하는 경우가 있는데, 그걸 보고서 그렇게 스티커를 부착했을 거 같은 느낌이 듭니다.
근데, CPU 위에는 스티커든 얇은 필름도 열전달에 방해되기 때문에, 좋지 않습니다. 아무것도 부착하지 않고 서멀컴파운드나 써멀패드(거의 사용하지 않는 방법이지만)만 사용하는 게 좋겠네요.
[관련글] https://blog.naver.com/dongtancom/222399247395
사제 쿨러 조립 시 많이 하는 실수
쿨러 제조사에서 쿨러 밑에 스크래치 방지 스티커를 붙여서 출고해서, 자세히 안 보고 조립하면, 스티커를 ...
If the cooler manufacturer puts an anti-scratch sticker under the cooler and assembles it without looking closely, it may sometimes be assembled without removing the sticker. Not only the general public, but also assembly companies can make mistakes if they urgently assemble. Assembling parts only with parts that are frequently used, there are few such mistakes, but when handling various parts, each manufacturer has different characteristics, so I think it may be a mistake.
[I've never seen anyone putting Intel stickers on top of the CPU]
In a similar case, there are similar proportions of customers (I don't think there are such companies) who put AMD stickers on the top of the AMD CPU. I heard it so often that I wondered if someone told me to stick it on YouTube.
=> You don't have to put AMD stickers on or off the case. If you attach it to the CPU, the heat conduction does not work well for the following reasons, so the CPU temperature does not cool down quickly. During heavy work, the CPU fan rotates at high speed, and CPU heating problems can cause the computer to shut down.
Precautions for Assembly of Handmade Cooler - Sticker Removal Required
We are checking to see if there is any damage to the CPU pin. Eventually, the motherboard was defective, so I replaced it with the motherboard of the same chipset of another company. The customer took the board because there is enough time left for the AS. I recommended you to receive AS and dispose of it through online used trading platforms such as Used Country and Carrot Market. Motherboards that have been repaired or refurbished by AS centers have a high defect rate compared to new products, so it may not be a bad choice to dispose of them secondhand and replace them with new products. For office workers who have to use computers every day, it may be better to replace them with new products and proceed with the work than to wait for a week or two to receive AS. Replacement of AS through the manufacturer's A/S service center is cheap, but we need time to send and receive AS. It's a repair plan that has pros and cons to each other, so you can choose a repair plan that suits you.
Defective Motherboard ASROCK B360M PRO4
For now, we are making sure that all parts other than the motherboard are working properly by assembling them into the case.
We are checking the rest of the components after the assembly.
Check for normal operation and then reassemble the homemade cooler.
The motherboard to be replaced is a Gigabyte B360M DS3H product.
Added content on 06/09/2022
This is the computer that came in by mistake of self-assembly. Computers that are received by mistake of assembly are received by computer repair, not by reassembly. It's one of the mistakes I make a lot. The floppy drive power wire is connected to the 4-pin fan power connector on the motherboard. If you plug it in like this, the computer won't turn on. Is this how many people wear it? Whether it's a power or a motherboard manufacturer, the computer protection circuit seems to work when connected like this. Even if it's a simple assembly mistake, you'll be charged for repairs.
The computer does not turn on when the floppy drive power cable is connected to the motherboard fan power supply port.
The assembly is not in good condition, so I think it would be better to rebuild it.
It's not sorted out.
I can see oil marks on the back of the main board. I didn't know what it was, so I left a picture.
I think it's a thermal mark on the main board.)
The motherboard has been disassembled to adjust the position of the support bolts. The main board is a wide model on the side, so the empty space next to it is supported by a sponge.
The motherboard support bolts were positioned and the remaining space was sponged to insulate.
Reinstalling motherboard to casing
As an additional task, there was a request to copy the existing SSD to the M.2 SSD 2TB installed on the motherboard. Traditional SATA SSDs were in poor condition, so copying was unlikely. I thought it would be better to install a new window, so I reinstalled it. When I connected the previously installed 120 gigabytes SSD to my test computer, the desktop appeared after a long time on the black screen as shown below. SSD with access issues.
When I connected the SSD to my test computer, the desktop didn't pop up right away for a long timeIt's coming up.
The fan of the CPU cooler was enough to touch the top fan, so I tied this again. If I had assembled it from the beginning, I would have tied it up so that it wouldn't pop out in the first place and installed the main board, but when I installed the main board and set the case upside down, the fan noise is generated. I tied the protruding part with a cable tie. And you brought two additional 8-tera hard disks, and you asked me to install them on my computer, so I installed two additional 8-tera in the hard disk bay. The M.2 SSD was set up as the first boot device and shipped.
CPU fan power lines jammed in the (left) case fan, 2 additional (medium) 8 terra hard disks, and (right) boot order setting
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