컴퓨터수리는 메모리부터~ 시작 (메모리 접속불량건이 상당히 많아요. 슬롯 타입의 부속은 접속 불량 문제가 생길 수 밖에 없어서 어쩔 수 없습니다. 될 때까지 청소 및 접점 부활 후 재장착 그래도 안 되면 슬롯 변경 및 램 또는 메인보드 교체가 답이될 수 있습니다. 보통은 거기까지 잘 안가지만, 지속적인 접속 불량 문제가 발생할 경우 셀프로 재장착이 불가능할 경우에는 메모리부터 신품으로 교체하는 게 좋은 방법이 될 때도 있습니다.)
메인보드 램슬롯 불량? 메모리 불량?
윈도우 부팅 후 각종 블루 스크린을 띄우고 꺼지고 재부팅되는 컴퓨터가 입고됐습니다. 화면이 깨진다는 증...
Computers that display various blue screens, turn off, and reboot after Windows boots have been stocked. He also mentioned the symptoms of breaking the screen. As a result of the first inspection, the first slot on the main board was in bad condition, so it was a computer with symptoms of poor connection. If you insert a total of 3 types of memory into slot 1 and shake it, the screen breaks as shown below. Slot number two always works well. The second slot works fine even if the memory is shaken.
If you twist the memory card slightly from side to side, the screen breaks as shown above.
If you connect the two original installed memory to slot 2, there will be no symptoms of poor connection.
Poor memory connection
Preparing to spray contact reactant for memory slot contact resurrection. The BW-100 should be used outdoors with good ventilation.
We recommend using chemicals outdoors with good ventilation.
Using BW100, we cleaned the memory socket, and the contact point of slot 1 has improved. Unlike before, there are no symptoms of breaking the screen even if you shake it, so I booted Windows 10, and the blue screen as shown below occurs. So I plugged the memory into another computer and conducted the test, and a blue screen similar to the one below appears. (There are various error messages for poor memory.)
Blue Screen
Checking the memory status by operating the memory test program. If the red line comes in, the error occurred, so the memory is bad. Bad first memory socket contact and bad second symptom - bad memory.
Error validating with memory test program
Fortunately, it's a computer with 4 gigabytes plus 8 gigabytes of memory, and it's an office computer. The defective memory was 4GB memory, so we removed the 4GB memory and inserted the 8GB memory into slot 2 and shipped it.
[How to store BW-100]
It's better to keep it closed after using it. It's good to store in a well-ventilated place. I understand that the cleaning solution reacts with water and is not good for the eyes. Since the ingredients of the BW-100 cleaning agent do not disappear from the air immediately because it evaporates from the substrate, it would be good to dry it well after using it outdoors with good ventilation and come in (with a compressor).
I forgot to leave the BW-100 in the hot sun in the summer and came into the store, but later I checked, the filled gas in the can evaporated and only liquid (solution) was left. Expensive for capacity. The spray nozzle is easy to attach and store strong double-sided tape to the side of the can. It may become rusty by reacting with some plastic materials (such as RJ45 jacks). The memory socket is relatively strong, so I don't think it broke. Not yet... You can't just spray it anywhere. Be careful with plastic, spray it so that it doesn't get on your skin, and I recommend you to use it outdoors with good ventilation.
BW-100 Contact Rejuvenator Nozzle Storage Method (Using Strong Double-Sided Tape)
[Related article] Material safety and health data.See PDF
Partial Excerpts from BW-100 Material Safety and Health Data
BW 100 Ingredient Hazards - Google Search
All Images News Shopping Maps Video Books Search tools [PDF] GHS MSDS (KO) - Material Safety and Health Data (MSDS) buhmwoo.com p pdf bbex B BW-100 GHS MSDS (KO) BW-100 (non-waterproof) aerosol can. No hazardous substances in the ozone layer due to specific substances according to... Since there is no toxic information data on the product, data for each component are recorded (see ). [PDF] MK BW-100(REV.6 120320) www.devicemart.co.kr › mart7 › ...
[Video of poor memory connection]
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