↓↓↓ (삼성노트북) NT630Z5J-X58 분해 글 참고 ↓↓↓
(삼성노트북) NT630Z5J-X58 분해
CPU 사용률이 100%이고 와이파이 접속 창이 닫히지 않는 등 각종 오류가 발생되는 삼성 노트북이 입고됐...
2011년 12월 생산된 오래된 노트북입니다. 윈도우7이 기본 운영체제로 출시된 제품이고요. 홈페이지에서는 윈도우8 드라이버까지 지원되네요. 윈도우10 드라이버는 윈도우 업데이트를 통해서 대부분은 설치됩니다. WiMAX 6150 드라이버만 인터넷으로 다운 받아서 설치했습니다. 와이파이 + 4G 모바일 통신할 수 있는 장치인 거 같은데요. (4G WiBro 지원 노트북, WiFi 중에 하나의 기능 선택 사용, 4G 와이브로를 써본 적은 없어서 잘 모르겠네요. 별도의 요금제에 가입해야 되는데, 5G 시대라서, 이 서비스가 아직도 지원되는지 모르겠어요.)
와이파이는 2.4GHz만 지원되는 제품이라서, 5GHz 지원되는 무선랜카드로 업그레이드(교체) 해주는 것도 좋을 거 같습니다. 근데, 오래된 노트북은 호환성이 떨어지는 경우가 있어서, 여러개의 2.4GHz&5GHz 무선랜카드를 달아봐야 호환성을 알 수 있겠네요.
SSD 업그레이드 후에는 속도는 많이 빨라졌습니다. 사무용으로 적당한 정도이고 게임은 안 됩니다. 서멀 재도포 후에도 CPU 온도는 높게 형성되는 게 단점이네요. CPU 열일하면(윈도우 업데이트 등) 80도가 넘어갑니다. 가만히 놔두면 떨어지고요.
이 제품이 윈도우10 설치하면, FN키도 화면 밝기 조정이 안 됩니다. 윈도우 설정에서 화면 밝기를 조절할 수 있습니다. 인터넷에 있는 레지스트리 (f800 => f908) 조정하면, FN키로 화면 밝기 조정 안 되고 윈도우 설정에서도 밝기 조정이 안 됩니다. 그래서, 원래 값(f800)으로 다시 돌려놨습니다.
액정 크기가 작아서 눈이 안 좋으면 오래 보기는 힘들 거 같습니다. 액정 크기가 작은 게 무게는 가볍고 모양도 촌스럽지 않아서 휴대하기는 나쁘지 않습니다.
Samsung laptops, which have various errors such as 100% CPU utilization and Wi-Fi connection windows, are in stock. It's a product that I haven't reinstalled Windows in years, so I've done a Windows reinstall for now. Windows reinstallation will erase all existing data, so it is recommended that you visit without data on your laptop (with data backed up with external hard drives). It is recommended that you select your own data and receive your own backups. It is recommended that you receive a double or triple backup of important materials.
It doesn't drop from 100% CPU utilization. And the Wi-Fi connection window doesn't disappear.
Before reinstalling Windows 10, we entered Simos mode, returned it to the initial setting of the motherboard, and proceeded with the reinstallation of Windows 10.
Before reinstalling Windows 10, return the BIOS settings to their initial values and start.
This laptop has a hard disk + SSD configuration with two storage devices. The hard disk also has Windows Boot related disks, so in the process of deleting all partitions on the SSD and re-partitions, the partitions are divided so that the Windows Boot related partitions work with the existing partitions on the hard disk. Since the data was stored on the hard disk, we couldn't delete the partition of the HDD, so we physically removed the hard disk and reinstalled Windows 10.
The hard disk and SSD are interlocked.
It's an all-in-one product on the back plate, so you have to loosen all the screws to remove the hard disk. The problem is that the head of one screw in the upper right is split (baffer, crushed screw). Sometimes it's very hard and takes a long time to loosen a screw like this.
NT630Z5J-X58 Decomposition
I loosened the screw with the opposite tab (Hidari tab) to the store, and it worked out quickly and I was able to solve it quickly. You make a hole with a small drill bit and loosen it with the opposite tab, but the screw was released by the rotational force of the drill blade that makes the hole because the screw was so small.
Unscrewed the screw with the opposite tab (hole drill).
Originally, the screw is round and flat at the bottom, but the broken screw has a conical screw screw. I think I lost the screw and put it in instead. By the way, I think I should have been careful because the screw is a little longer than the original screw. If a short screw is better and you don't have a screw that fits in length (thickness), you can use one or two without screw tightening. (The screw on the hinge is essential, and there is no problem without the screw stuck in the middle.)
The screw with a sharpened head looks different from the original screw.
There aren't many opportunities to open the back of the laptop, so it's a good idea to open the back of the laptop, and you can also do the thermal re-application at the same time. This product requires a ram slot cap and wireless antenna wires are hung on the CPU cooler, so it takes a little too much work.
NT630Z5J-X58 For thermal re-application, the parts of the laptop are being disassembled.
Wiped off the existing hardened thermal, brushed it off, and re-applied the new thermal (MX-4).
(NT630Z5J-X58 Decomposition) I wiped off the old hardened 10 year old thermal and applied it again with a new one.
Windows 10 reinstallation is being performed (tested) before closing the rear lid. Three Windows 10 UEFI partitions are being divided normally.
Windows reinstallation was performed before closing the rear panel lid.
This is the process of updating Windows after reinstalling Windows 10. It's similar for the CPU to soar to 100%. Still, the speed (response) is faster than before formatting.
During the Windows update process, certain processors take a high share.
These days, Windows updates (KB5029244) have been moving on from 21% to low-end laptops for a long time. I feel like there's going to be some kind of collision problem between the processors. It usually takes a long time for laptops with low memory of 4 gigabytes and laptops with low CPU specifications.
It's been a while since I installed the Windows update (21%). (It takes 20-30 minutes to complete the update)
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