공장이나 컴퓨터에 관심없는 사무실에서 단 한 번도 청소를 안한 컴퓨터의 내부 상태입니다.
청소 안한지 10년된 컴퓨터의 상태
공장, 사무실, 식당, 중국집, 음식점 등 테이블 구석에 보관하고 고장날 때까지 내부 청소를 한 번도 하지 ...
Factory, office, restaurant, Chinese restaurant, restaurant, in the corner of the table.
This is the state of the computer that has never cleaned the inside until it breaks down.
Dust piles up like coral.
The powerfly's inlet is covered with dust and dust carpet.
When I took out the CPU fan, I could see that there was a lot of dust on it as shown below. Fortunately, there is no short circuit caused by dust. The main board is normal. The computer is running very slowly because it has been around for 10 years.
The memory got tangled with dust in the direction of the wind.
Dust is also trapped in the memory slot. The slot where the memory was plugged in was small, so it was good, and the left slot was dusty, so I shook it off.
The front panel is being removed to disassemble the power fly.
Powerfly fan noise is also severe, so I opened the cover for cleaning and oiling the pan.
The exhaust fan of this power cannot be charged separately because the oil replenishment hole is blocked.
Dust on the powerfly pan
I made a hole with a drill to replenish the oil and put the sticker back on.
Powerfly Dust
I dusted off the compressor outside and took another cut. Like a new one? It's clean.
The dirt on the pan didn't come off.
Powerfly after cleaning
We re-applied a new thermal copper over the CPU and replaced the CPU fan. The existing fans are so messy that instead of separating them and cleaning them, we will simply replace them with used CPU fans and clean them later to check the condition of the dirty fans and discard them.
Photos of computers after cleaning
The shape of the dust carpet stacked on the CPU cooler heat sink. When dust begins to accumulate, it becomes entangled and grows.
Intel CPU Cooler Radiant Dust
Dust attached to the CPU cooler. There's light dust that flies away when dust blows, and the dense dust in places where oil floats in the air, such as factories that use cutting oil, Chinese restaurants, and chicken restaurants, builds up and hardens. Because of the oiliness, the plastic that holds the CPU fan breaks easily.
Intel CPU Cooler Dust
The compressor is attached and not robbed cleanly as shown below. You have to wipe it physically with a toothbrush to clean it up. In the case of heat sink, if you soak it in hot water and remove the detergent, the contaminants are cleaned cleaner. It's not good to wash the CPU fan with water, but you can wipe the wings a little more cleanly through water+toothbrush. Be careful not to let water into the motor.
Cleaning the Intel CPU Cooler
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