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국물 쏟은 컴퓨터
요즘은 케이스의 윗면이 뚫어진 상품이 많다 보니, 위에서 액체를 쏟으면 바로 기판으로 흘러들어가는 경우...
컴퓨터 본체 위에 국물을 쏟았다고 입고된 컴퓨터입니다. CPU와 메인보드가 고장났네요.
사타 전원 케이블은 여유분이 많은 편이기 때문에 이상이 생긴 케이블쪽은 사용하지 않게끔 막아드렸습니다. (사용해도 별 이상 없을 것으로 생각됩니다만 그래도 모르니깐 테이프로 막아드렸습니다.)
SSD에도 국물이 들어가서 누른 자국이 있네요. BW100 + 칫솔을 이용해서 닦아내고 다시 연결하니 정상적으로 동작합니다.
These days, there are many products with the upper side of the case pierced, so it sometimes flows right into the substrate when the liquid spills from the top. Like putting liquid on top of a case? Even when the main body is placed close to the window, rainwater is rarely introduced inside, but it is not absent. There are quite a few restaurants that use the main computer as a monitor stand in the kitchen. It's a pig's feet restaurant (usually because the counter space is small), but the computer didn't turn on, so I remember the computer you visited. There was a time when water was stuck in the CPU socket. Someone seemed to have spilled water. In case of water entering through the holes drilled through the air intake on the side.
The case below is when you spilled the soup. Fortunately? (Maybe because it's a backplate model?) It didn't enter the graphics card board and the main board and CPU were faulty. The main board has some elements next to the CPU. The CPU was dead together. Powerfly was also short-circuited because it was covered by an iron plate on the top in an independent space, but the SSD Sata power socket was short-circuited due to the soup flowing into it.
Because it is the 9th generation Intel CPU, the warranty period is still left, so I ordered it to be stocked at Intel's official service center and replaced it. If it's a genuine CPU distributed in Korea, we'll replace it with a genuine box, so you have to include the original cooler you received when you first purchased it and send it to us. You can get the AS replacement in an unopened box. You can use the new cooler in the box. If the original cooler is discarded after installing the homemade cooler, we will discuss it with the AS center first. (After opening the box, remove the original cooler and receive only the CPU?))
[Related Text] Contact Intel Official AS Service Center
Contact Network for Computer Parts Service Center (born March 18, 2021)
Since it is difficult to synchronize the latest information, there may be reasons such as relocation of AS center addresses, AS...
This is the process of reassembling the AS replaced product.
We removed the defective Sata cable, attached the Disable sticker, and finished with tape. (We removed the defective connector, so we can use this connector without any problems, but we decided to use only the normal cable because we had a lot of spare time.)
Status of cables that have been introduced into the broth
We are checking if there is any contamination on the cable.
Below is an SSD. This is a short-circuited, melted SATA socket with foreign substances (electric electrolytes, broth) flowing into the SATA power source. It is recognized normally after wiping and refitting with BW100 etc. If the window boot is not working or there is a problem that is very slow, I recommended you to replace it with an A/S or a new one. (There is also a way to get a full Sata socket replaced through a repay shop like IT Systems CEO.)
Powerfly was covered with a roof in an independent space, so it didn't cause any damage. Only one Sata connector in the open space has been burned.
[Related post] Spilled restaurant computer
● 동탄 컴퓨터 수리 ● 메인보드에 물이 들어간 본체 (동탄원천로인근)
안녕하세요. 화성 반송동 35-6번지, 동탄센트럴파크 옆 동탄컴퓨터입니다. 일주일전 즈음에 인터넷 광고창이 많이 뜨는 증상으로 운영체제 재설치를 해드렸었는데요. 일주일 후에 컴퓨터가 안켜
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