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유턴 구간에서 유턴할 때, 노란 실선에서 회전하면 벌금?
유턴 신호 대기할 때, 제일 앞장서서 기다려야 할지? 유턴 라인에서 기다려야 할지? 애매했는데요. 유턴 지...
When I wait for a U-turn signal, should I take the lead? Should I wait on the U-turn line? It was ambiguous. If I wait at the U-turn point, the orange solid space in front of me is empty, so does it crack in the back? And it's ambiguous to leave the space empty because the car will empty the space to cut in line later. However, if you make a U-turn on the yellow solid section of the front (stop line), you can be fined because it's illegal. (It's as if you can pay a fine over the stop line for giving up a right turn to the car behind you in the direct right lane.) If you get caught by the police, you'll have to wait next to the U-turn section, no matter what the car says.
Dongtan Saegang Village Intersection U-turn Place
I was wondering why the solid yellow line was drawn like that, so I looked online. There's a post like this.
Why is there a solid yellow line over the U-turn lane?
[BY Carmedia] = Reporter Park Hye-sung = Everyone seems to know, but no one knows for sure...
There was a reason why you didn't make a U-turn in the solid yellow line. As the vehicle rotates, the radius of the turn increases, so it seems to be a space designed to prevent accidents by preventing collisions with people crossing the crosswalk and securing a gap with vehicles coming in right. Don't people always cross the street along the crosswalk line? Sometimes some people come across diagonally. How can I only travel at right angles? (If the crosswalk lights up green, it would be nice to have a fan-shaped LED at the end.) And I think the solid yellow line may have been drawn to clear the gap between the right-turn car and the U-turn car so that the other car can be stopped at least.
Also, if you draw a U-turn line to a crosswalk stop line, it can be misleading because the road classification is not clear, so I think a short solid yellow line is essential because it signals the start of the center line of the road (especially the first, first, night, etc.). I think it could be a point where a vehicle just before the other side or a vehicle coming in a left turn can check the center line (separate the road). (Personal opinion)
[Related video] https://youtu.be/_ZYD2I5zZyQ
[Related video 2] https://youtu.be/jwdSVGBUQd8
As a bonus, I would like an unprotected right-turn vehicle to yield to the U-turn vehicle that received the signal.
The vehicle that makes a U-turn after receiving the signal so that the left turn waiting behind can get out?
[Related video] U-turn vs. right turn priority description
And when you make a U-turn, it would be good to make a U-turn in order along the previous car.
The back car is not illegal to make a simultaneous U-turn within the U-turn section.
It is said that the car in front of you and the car behind you are responsible for the accident.
[Related Video] U-turn order (front and rear cars, and the percentage of negligence in the event of an accident?)
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