카드포인트 현금화 (5만원 벌었네요.)
여신금융협회 홈페이지에 접속하면, 카드 포인트를 현금화할 수 있네요. 포인트를 쓸 일이 많지 않다 보니...
If you access the Credit Finance Association website, you can cash the card points. I don't have a lot of points to use, so I think it's the best way to cash in without stacking them.
[Borrowing Finance Association - Card point cash painting website ]
1. Click on integrated inquiry and deposit account
2. Click Full Agree (Required Agree)
4. He verified it with his phone.
5. After text verification, you'll see a letter of attorney.
Click "Delegated" at the bottom to skip. (Capture has been cut.)
6-7. Enter the last digit of your social security number and click Inquiry.
8. The Select Point Inquiry or Account Deposit screen appears.
9. If you click on the point inquiry, you will see the points of the credit card company you signed up for. If you choose to deposit your account,
10. You can deposit money into your account.
=> The deposit was deposited into the account the day after.
This service allows you to transfer your points to your account in cash.
Through a mobile app called Account Info,
They say you can check and deposit money.
I wonder if I should install the app.
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댓글 영역