삼성 구형 노트북 SSD 업그레이드 및 내부 청소 - 서멀구리스 재도포 작업입니다.
삼성 노트북 SSD 업그레이드 후 내부 청소 (서멀구리스)
삼성 NP-SF410-A02US 노트북입니다. 국내 정식으로 유통된 제품은 아닌 거 같고, 해외 제품을 국내...
This is Samsung NP-SF410-A02US laptop. It doesn't seem to be a product officially distributed in Korea, and it looks like a product distributed overseas products in Korea. The model name of the Samsung laptop distributed in Korea is NT.
Samsung laptop on the back.
Existing hard disks were too slow to produce the overall performance of the computer. The hard disk reading speed is less than 10 megabytes. So, we proceeded with SSD replacement work. First of all, I booted it to an SSD with Windows 10 installed. Sometimes old models are incompatible with Windows 10, so there are laptops that cannot be booted. Some laptops have symptoms of stopping during Windows 10 booting. This product entered the desktop normally without a collision between Windows 10 and the part driver, and the wireless Internet-Wi-Fi also worked normally.
Samsung laptop SSD installation and upgrade work.
I'm checking the settings of the laptop main board. Because it is an old laptop, UEFI booting is not supported and Windows 10 could be installed in the CSM (MRR, LEGACY) method.
Samsung laptop is changing settings from Simos mode.
I'm getting an update after installing Windows 10 normally. It can be seen that the temperature is quite high as below. The maximum temperature is 82~84 degrees.
i3M380 CPU has high heat.
We dismantled the laptop and re-applied the thermal grease.
Samsung laptop is broken down.
I wiped off the hardened thermal grease as below and applied a new one. In addition to the CPU chipset + internal graphic chipset, I think there is a square chip-shaped rubber in the place where the graphic card should be located. I think this part is made of a dummy (model) so that there is no short circuit with the substrate. Because the heat sink on the top of the graphic card will be closed on the board. I think it's acting as a pedestal. I don't think it's a graphic card chipset. It was not possible to screw diagonally.
Re-application of thermal grease.
The heat sink was also cleaned off the hardened thermal grease and a new thermal compound was applied on the CPU chipset.
Cleaning the heat sink on my laptop.
The i3M380 CPU installed on the main board.
We measured the temperature by raising the CPU utilization rate to 100% with a CPU stress program. The maximum temperature dropped by 10 degrees to 72~75 degrees.
i3 M380 CPU, 100% operating temperature.
If you don't do anything, the temperature drops below 50 degrees.
i3 M380 CPU heating. Normal temperature.
The USB on the right was not recognized even if the USB was plugged in, so I checked the inside and found that the pin of the USB terminal was bent inward. The USB port on the right was blocked with a port stopper and shipped. There are two USB ports on the left, so you can use the left port. If you shake the USB port on the left, it doesn't feel loose. Since laptops are about 10 years old, they are aging here and there. Should I upgrade my old laptop and reuse it? Should I buy a new one? It's a notebook year that you have to choose well. He didn't plan to buy a new laptop right away, so we only went ahead with a simple SSD upgrade.
My laptop USB port is broken.
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