HP 노트북 무선랜카드 불량 그리고 SSD 업그레이드 작업 (HP Laptop Wireless LANCARD Poor and SSD Upgrade Operations)
HP 노트북 무선랜카드 불량 그리고 SSD 업그레이드
시간이 지나면 무선 신호가 약해지고 나중에서 연결이 끊기는 문제가 있는 무선랜카드입니다.
내장형 무선랜카드는 재고가 없어서 외장형 USB 무선랜카드를 장착했습니다.
동탄 HP 노트북 수리 (무선랜카드 불량 + SSD 업그레이드 작업)
무선인터넷 접속이 잘 안되고 노트북 속도가 많이 느려서 동탄에서 방문해주신 고객님의 HP 노트북입니다...
Wireless Internet connection is not good and laptop speed is very slow.
This is your HP laptop from Dongtan.
Foreign laptops are often required to remove the back panel for accessory replacement, removing all screws on the back. The HP laptop (15-ac076TU) is disassembled as follows.
15-ac076TU Decomposition
Remove the existing hard disk and proceed with replacement with Samsung SSD.
Samsung 860 EVO 250GB with compatibility with laptops.
Since there is very little disassembly to this point, we have also done a thermal grease re-application that can reduce CPU heat generation.
This is the wireless LAN card in question. It is a unique WiFi LAN card that is plugged into the m.2 slot. At first, the speed was good and working normally, but over time, the wireless signal became weak and later disconnected.
SSD upgrade and memory upgrade were carried out simultaneously. It's been a while since it was shipped, so DDR4 memory doesn't fit. It is equipped with 4GB of (used) DDR3 (low power) memory, which is as close to the previous memory as possible. I wrote down the date of replacement in the memory.
The old mainboard CR2032 battery has also been replaced.
The loose screws are well placed together. I returned the remaining hard disks to you after replacing them.
The mainboard is checking that the newly installed memory is recognized as normal.
We are also checking the mainboard setup screen to make sure that the SSD with replacement is recognized as normal.
We are checking that Samsung SSD is normally recognized on the Windows 10 installation screen.
Samsung 250GB SSD is actually recognized as 232.9GB.
We are measuring the signal strength to test the wireless LAN card.
When I took the antenna and plugged it in, the signal was full for a while.
The process of installing windows and updating windows has slowed down, so I checked again and found that the wireless signal has become very weak.
The built-in wireless LAN card has a problem, so we have an external wireless LAN card. The built-in wireless LANCARD type is not a popular model, so it is equipped with an external USB wireless LANCARD.
I wanted to remove the wireless LANCARD module completely, but it is a wireless LANCARD with Bluetooth function, so I left it in case I use Bluetooth. Device Manager has disabled slow wireless LAN.
I tried transferring large files with USB wireless LAN card.
It's 10MB/s, which is close to 100Mbps.
I finished the test after checking that large files were transferred normally for about an hour.
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