LG 15ND530노트북을 뜯어서 내부 청소를 진행했습니다. 내부에 액체를 쏟은 건지 녹색 물질이 많이 묻어나오네요.
[ 상세글 참조 ] https://blog.naver.com/dongtancomputer/222305099047
LG 15ND530 분해 및 내부 청소
LG 15ND530 노트북입니다. 노트북의 뒷판을 뜯었는데 평소와 다르게 이물질이 많이 묻은 제품이네요. ...
This is the LG 15ND530 laptop. I opened the back panel of my laptop, but unlike usual, it has a lot of foreign substances on it. Green
I wiped it off with a tissue, but the green substance is wiped off.
This is the back panel. It looks like a laptop spilled something. I think it's been a while since I spilled the liquid, but it's amazing that the laptop works.
There is a limit to wiping hardened liquids with dry tissue. I wiped it off with wet tissue.
I also cleaned the inside of my laptop where I can wipe it. Remove the battery.
With SSDs
Windows reinstallation has also been carried out.
Even though we didn't do much after running the window, we went up nearly 70 degrees to re-apply thermal grease at the same time.
We wiped the hardened thermal copper off the CPU and graphics card chipsets and re-applied the new thermal copper.
The heat sink is covered with hardened thermal copper. I wiped it clean with a tissue and dusted it off the outside.
The CPU temperature didn't come out, but only the graphics card temperature was recorded. GeForce external graphics were measured at 42 degrees and Intel internal graphics at 48 degrees. The temperature of the CPU embedded graphics and the CPU temperature are measured approximately the same. (Because it's a CPU built-in graphic)
I checked additionally and found that the CPU temperature was also measured as below. CPU and various accessories are being tested with the computer test program on the left. The maximum temperature of the CPU is 64 degrees. You can see that the lowest temperature has gone down to 43 degrees. It looks like it went down a lot before cleaning.
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