눈 밑에 이상한 게 났어요. (피부과에서 눈 밑 사마귀 제거) There's something weird under my eyes. (Dermatology removes warts under the eyes)
눈 밑에 이상한게 나서 피부과 병원에 다녀왔어요.
눈 밑에 나는 사마귀? 쥐젖? 제거
눈 밑에 이상한 게 생기고 자라서 한동안 방치하다가 (세수하다가 떨어지겠지? 생각하고 방치했는데) 너무 ...
3개월 지났는데 상처부의를 찾아보기 힘드네요. 잘 나았습니다.
Something strange under my eyes grew up and left it unattended for a while. I thought about it and left it unattended) I went to the dermatologist because it grew so much that I felt uncomfortable as if something had stuck under my eyes. People around me tell me that there's something under my eyes. The rat's milk around your eyes? I thought so, but they diagnosed me as a viral wart. I didn't see it in detail, but I got rid of it perfectly in five minutes with some kind of laser device. I should have gone earlier if it would have been this simple.
It's morning before going to Dongtan Dermatologist.
I thought it was a mouse's milk, but they said it was some kind of wart. It looks up and down around your eyes.
Dermatology is usually a place where only women go, so it's a little uncomfortable for men to visit.
When I went there, there wasn't a single man (although it was morning.
I'm anesthetizing the skin around the mantis with anesthesia cream.
I don't know if it's because of the anesthesia cream or if the machine is good, but it's not
I didn't have any pain after the procedure. I didn't feel much when I was shooting the laser. It didn't hurt.
This is a picture of the treatment device lying down before the procedure.
Laser equipment (LUTRONIC Er.)YAG Laser 2940nm)
I removed it. It's hard to film the procedure unless you've asked the nurse to do it. -.-;
=> There is a photo of the patient's procedure posted on the Internet? What is it? It's an ad.
I don't know if the automatic filter is on, but your skin looks bright.
On the day of the procedure, the affected area was big, so the blood was leaking a little. I bought a band for acne treatment at the pharmacy and changed it about two times a day. If I change too much, I didn't change too much because I thought the band would get damaged.
It is a band that treats acne and moles purchased from a pharmacy. Medidem? It's about 5,000 won. There were products that were a bit cheaper. I bought that product because the pharmacist told me it was the most popular. Other products cost 3-4,000 won.
I removed the existing gauze with blood and attached the new band.
This is the condition about a day after the treatment. The small warts are almost healed and the big warts are almost bruised. I took a shower with a band attached to the wound because the band was in close contact with the skin, so the water could not go in easily. I changed the band after taking a shower.
The mantis above the left eye has a small scar, so it healed quickly, and the spot under the right eye is deep.
It's morning after 2 days of treatment. I've been wearing a medical band all day. The wound has healed a lot.
This is the status of the third day of treatment. There are almost no marks left, and the area under the eyes, which seemed to be scarred, is almost healed, so it goes without scarring. After that, I almost got better so I didn't leave any pictures.
The treatment cost 55,000 won. I was going to charge the actual cost, but the actual cost of the mantis is not allowed. (Meritz Fire)
The wound has healed so much that it's hard to find any trace after 4 to 5 days later.
The picture below was taken on 05/04/2021 after 3 weeks.
Three weeks later, it was hard to find any traces of the treatment. It feels like a mantis is smudging on the upper eyelid. I'll have to shoot part two.
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