A/S 후기글 https://blog.naver.com/dongtancom/222302984526
팀그룹 SSD AS 서비스센터, (서린씨앤아이, 아인스시스템)
2021년 04월 08일 작성된 게시글입니다. 나중에 이 글을 보셨다면, 서비스센터가 이전하거나 전화번호 변경...
This is a post written on April 08, 2021.
If you've seen this post later,
Transferring service centers, changing phone numbers, or
The A/S agency center itself may have been changed.
Please check the service center website or phone for the exact information.
A computer that is very slow and cannot boot properly has been stocked. As a result of the inspection, the SSD was diagnosed as defective. I asked the service center if there would be any remaining warranty period. As below, it is a product with a 3-year warranty, so it will be discarded. The team group SSD seems to be conducting AS at Seorin C&I and Ainsystem. (There may be other distributors besides the two.)
Seorin C&I was able to register AS through various methods such as homepage, fixed-line phone, and KakaoTalk channel. There is a homepage for EINS system, but did you find it properly because there was no A/S information page? It was hard to know. It was a shame that only phone calls were available. I was able to talk to you right away, so there was no inconvenience.
Seorin C&I was also able to consult with A/S through Kakao Talk channel. If you call the popular computer parts AS center, it is very difficult to talk on the phone, so it is convenient and good to receive text messages such as chat consultation (Kakao Talk Channel), e-mail, and homepage application. You don't have to wait for a phone call. (Consultation within business hours)
The team group L5 product was not distributed by Seorin C&I. Normally, it's just a good thing to let me know. Thank you more for letting me know the service center that was distributed. I looked up the website of EINSystem as below on Google. Can I call here and ask because it's hard to find the AS information page? It was hard to know at a glance.
EINSystems website: http://www.einssystem.co.kr/
EINS SYSTEM, a business sector corporation, is collaborating with various companies to carry out various businesses. It is a B2B business unit that aims to provide the best solution to meet the system environment of B2B sales customers. As a professional IT distributor, Ainsystem Co., Ltd. recruits professionals by expanding its business area. directions
EINS system 02-704-0074 (Extension No. 4 for AS)
As below, it has been 3 years since the warranty period, so we are going to discard it as an expired product.
TM1F-170519001 on the left side of S/N number
1705 => 2017 (May? 5th week?) It has been 3 years since it was produced anyway. (Guaranteed expired)
We're going to take it apart, check what the inside looks like, and discard it.
Team Group L5 LITE 120GB
It contains SM2258XT controller chipset and 29F64B2AMCMG2 NAND Flash Memory.
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