"www.도메인주소.com" 주소를 => www 제거하고 루트 도메인 = "도메인주소.com" 으로 변경했는데, 네이버 검색 누락이 생기면서 방문자수가 나락으로 갔습니다. 기존의 유입 방문자수 복구되는데, 8~12개월 걸렸네요. 일평균 600~1,000명 => 100명으로 떨어졌다가 => 요즘 다시 ~1,000명 정도로 나오고 있네요.
전에는 네이버 뷰탭에 티스트로 게시글이 노출됐었는데, 도메인 변경 후 링크가 다 깨지면서 네이버 검색 순위가 많이 밀렸습니다. 일부 게시글은 누락이 생기고 뷰탭에 티스토리 게시글 노출이 전혀 안되며, 1년이 지나도 VIEW탭 노출은 복구가 안 되는 중입니다. www를 제거해서 새로운 도메인 주소로 검색 봇이 인식해서 새로 시작하는 느낌이네요. 현재는 웹페이지만 노출되는 중입니다.
[관련 글] 도메인 변경하면, 링크가 모두 깨져서 연결이 안 됩니다. 검색 누락이 생기며, 방문자 수가 급감하며, 블로그의 힘이 거의 날아가는 거 같네요. 8개월 즈음부터 어느 정도 방문자 수와 유입 경로에 네이버 유입이 늘어나면서 웹페이지로 노출이 이뤄지고 있습니다.
티스토리 도메인 변경하면 폭락!
티스토리에서 구글 애드센스 ads.txt 파일 문제를 해결했다고 공지가 떴길래, 사정에 맞춰서 도메인 주소 w...
같은 도메인 주소라도 루트 도메인 변경은 되도록이면 진행하지 않는 게 좋을 거 같고요. 티스토리 2차 도메인은 연결하지 않고 티스토리 도메인으로 사용하는 것도 나쁘지 않을 거 같다는 생각입니다. 도메인/검색 전문가에게 조금 더 알아보고 진행하는 게 좋을 거 같습니다. (저도 도메인 관련된 부분은 잘 모르는 부분이라서 저한테 문의하셔도 답변을 드리긴 어렵습니다. 전화 문의는 정중히 사양합니다.)
T-Story said it solved the problem with the Google AdSense ads.txt file, so I removed the domain address www and changed it to the root domain address according to circumstances, and the number of visitors was halved. T-story articles that were well exposed on Naver VIEW tab disappeared and are not good. I think the optimization of the web page is also broken.
[Announcement about T-story ads.txt]
[Information] The issue with the ads.txt file has been resolved.
Hello, we're T-Story. The problem with the ads.txt file for blogs using T-Story has been resolved. Please understand that it is a little behind the previous plan. Ads.txt File Troubleshooting Completion Date - August 25, 2021 Main Content - Due...
If I use www.domain.com (subdomain) to connect to T-story without connecting to domain.com, I can't solve the problems of ads.txt, so I connected to root domain without www, and most of the links were broken and not connected.
No valid certificates found for the domain you are trying to connect to.
I found a temporary solution through Internet posts and YouTube searches, and connected the previous address to the changed address, but I don't think Naver's search engine exposes pages that were not properly connected to the top of the search engine during or after the change. Once the link is broken, the certificate issue appears as above and does not flow into the tea story. T-Story and Daum search engine are almost the same company, so it seems to be reflected normally in the next search. Naver inflow is annihilated.
Naver disappeared from the search inflow.
The number of visitors is also 600 to 1,000, but it has decreased sharply to 100 after changing the domain. Again, the link to the www => root domain has recovered to some extent to 400 people.
It's a tea story blog with 500 to 1,000 people, but I changed the domain and went to the abyss.
I don't know why after the inflow of Naver search has recovered to some extent, but sometimes it is plastered with meaningless search terms (sites) as shown below. Keywords that came in between 1 and 2 minutes. What is it? Almost every day, the search word site comes in. (Related article: 2016 T-story blog attack case)
Naver's mobile search is coming in with the search word "nonsense keyword-site." Is it a traffic attack? -.;
If you are running a workplace blog, the workplace comes first rather than "solving the ads.txt problem of Google AdSense," so I think you will use it without changing the domain (because the income of the workplace is higher than the income of AdSense). I think it's best to find a way to resolve it in ww.domain.com state without changing it to the root domain. When I set the domain of the T-story blog before, I remember telling you to use www... I didn't leave a post at the time of setting the domain, and I can't remember because it's been a long time since I set the domain address.
Personally, if you're running it as a business,
I recommend that you proceed with the domain change carefully.
If you plan to connect a domain for the first time, connect it to the root domain!
(Some say it's better not to connect to a secondary domain.)
=> If you use the secondary domain, it is inconvenient to change the domain address to the T-story address when you modify the post.
The changes in Google AdSense revenue are as follows.
If the domain changes, we need to collect it again from the server
It's almost no longer 3 to 5 dollars a day like before. More people need to come in for $1
It's 15 days' worth of revenue before and after the change. We've lost about 30 percent of our profits.
It's still in progress, so I'll wait a little bit more on Google and Naver search servers
If you evaluate my changed domain well, I will maintain my profits while being exposed to the top.
Or, I'm at a loss.ㅜ
It's hard to judge hastily yet. I think we'll have to wait for the re-
The number of visitors has dropped significantly from 600 to 1,000 => 300 to 400.
I think I should write a bit of information on T-story.
(And I want to make a homepage or an installation blog.))
It's a graph of profits from May to December 2021.
Red is the graph before changing the domain
Yellow is the next graph to change the domain. (I took out the ad for about a month in the middle.)
I put the ad back in from the end of November. It suddenly went up to $7 yesterday.
Google AdSense Revenue May to December 2021
[Added on May 25, 2022]
Around September 2021, the domain was changed, and the number of visitors to the T-story blog dropped by 1/2 to 1/3
After about eight months, there are signs of recovery.
(2021.07) 2.1 million => (2022.02) It fell to 7,000 and is recovering to 10,000 this month.
As the number of visitors increases, AdSense's daily revenue is also recovering from $0 to $1 => $4 to 5.
Web page collection occurs with the changed domain address
One or two posts are also being exposed on the blog (Wiew tab).
It feels like I got extra points when the logic was recently changed.
Changing the domain to Tistro will fail.
[Added June 06, 2022]
There's a T-story blog that only posts nonsense. In the past, it was searched on the Naver blog tab. For a while, there were no visitors, so Naver's search inflow disappeared (missing) in the past year, and Naver recently published posts on other platforms (next blog, T-story blog, etc.), exposing T-story posts on Naver's blog tab again.
T-story blogs that were exposed to Naver's blog tab in the past are relatively well exposed. T-story blogs that have never been exposed to the Blog tab are exposed only to web pages. The newly created T-story blog is not exposed to Naver's web page search, but only to sites such as Daum, Google, and Zoom. (TISTORY blog not registered with Naver Webmaster tool)
The T-story blog that changed the domain above was also a T-story blog that was exposed to the VIEW tab, but in the process of omission after changing the domain address, only the web page is exposed. The web page was exposed well, so I haven't thought about re-exposing it on the VIEW tab. I'll have to search for a way to expose myself. (I haven't found a way yet.)
September 04, 2022 (Next Blog - Integrated into Tistro Blog)
The next blog will end. It is said to be integrated with the T-story blog. It forces us to consolidate by the end of September 2022. There is nothing much on the next blog, but I was satisfied with the recent change in Naver's search engine, but if it is forwarded to a T-story account, it can be misunderstood until Naver's search engine developer catches and patches this change, so it could be a limit on search exposure.
I changed it today, so far it is connected normally, so there is no problem with exposure and inflow, but it is still questionable how Naver search engine will think and classify it. Fortunately, if you let the search robot recognize (exception) that it is the same blog, it will guarantee the same exposure, and if you restrict the search robot to act in a strange pattern, the keywords that were exposed may not be exposed, so I think we should wait and see. As the next blog moves on to T-Story, it's better to put Google ads on the blog, but if you think you need to restart like changing your domain, you may need a little more time to expose the Naver search engine.
AdSense revenue certification "Total 1300 visitors to T-story" revenue?
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