삼성올인원 동탄컴퓨터 SSD 업그레이드 작업 사진
1. 접수 증상 삼성 올인원 컴퓨터(DM700A4J-KN26 2015년 10월 생산 제품)가 화성시 능동에서 입고됐...
Samsung's all-in-one computer (DM700A4J-KN26 produced in October 2015) has been stocked in Neungdong, Hwaseong. It's a model released with Windows 8, and I did a reinstallation of Windows 10 at home to upgrade to Windows 10, but it's a computer with symptoms such as not installing Windows properly and recovering to Windows 8.
The storage device of the existing all-in-one computer is equipped with a hard disk (HDD). You wanted to upgrade to SSD. It's about disassembling the product, removing the existing hard disk, replacing it with an SSD, and reinstalling Windows 10.
If you remove the back plate of the product, it will be separated as shown in the picture below. Based on the size of the heat sink, it looks like a model with a desktop CPU, not a mobile CPU. As the performance is higher than that of the mobile CPU, the thickness of the heat sink and two cooling fans are installed. You can see the hard disk on the right side of the cooling fan. It was produced in 2015, so there is no space for M.2 SSDs or mSATA (minisata) SSDs.
Demolition of DM700A4J-KN26
We have removed the existing Toshiba hard disk and installed Micron's 250-gigabyte SSD. SSD.
The Toshiba hard disk is being removed and the Micron SSD is being replaced.
It is recommended to re-apply the thermal compound when disassembled like this because the back plate is rarely removed. Cleaned the existing hardened thermal and re-applied the new thermal compound. I also removed the dust.
We are re-applying thermal for all-in-one computers' mounted desktop CPUs.
We are re-applying thermal for all-in-one computers' mounted desktop CPUs.
On the BIOS Configuration screen, you are checking the newly installed SSD model name.
We are checking the newly installed SSD model name on the Simos screen. Windows 10 reinstallation is in progress.
Checking CPU temperature after installing Windows 10. During the Windows update process, the CPU's temperature does not exceed 50 degrees.
I'm checking the temperature of the CPU while getting a window update. The CPU temperature is not above 50 degrees. (The CPU can be ~70 degrees.)
While doing the above work, we conducted an inspection of your hard disk. Bad sector found. So, the reason why the upgrade from Windows 8 to Windows 10 was not done properly may have been caused by the failure of the hard disk. It was a good choice to replace the hard disk with an SSD.
I tested your hard disk and found a bad sector. Bad/faulty.
Mid-term results of hard disk inspection - 8 bad sectors were found. It is not recommended to recycle hard disks because when bad sectors occur, they become very slow. It is recommended that you replace it without continuing to use it.
The Toshiba hard disk has a bad sector found.
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