사무용 슬리퍼, 키높이 실내화 (내돈내산)
옥션에서 세일하길래 하나 샀습니다. 이런 실내화는 바닥이 찢어지면서 물이 스며들어서 양말이 젖을 때 즈...
사무실에서는 슬리퍼가 최고!
쿠션이 너무 없어서 딱딱해도 피곤하고
너무 푹신해도 문제인데요. 적당한 쿠션입니다.
윗쪽은 말랑하고 아랫쪽은 딱딱합니다.
I bought one because it was on sale at Auction.
These indoor shoes seem to have a replacement cycle around the time when the socks get wet because the floor is torn and water seeps in.
[Previous office slippers purchase post]
Personally, the Hangten product is cheap and the cushion is good.
I think I wore one for 2 years.
When I bought it, I bought one white and one black pair and wore it.
Men's office slippers - slippers
It's my personal preference, but I really like Hangten's slippers. I don't go on business trips, so I usually stay in the office. These are suitable indoor shoes to wear in the office. Left is new, right is old...
Below is the product I bought when it was on sale at Auction.
I bought it because I thought it would be good like rinsed slippers while looking around Auction.
I didn't buy it because it was high, but I think it's because it's high, but the heels are high. If you get caught in the wrong jaw while walking, you can twist your ankle.
There are very thin slippers from Xiaomi that have low heels, but the sole of your feet hurts if you wear them for a long time because they don't absorb the shock absorption. Thin slippers are lightweight, so it wouldn't be bad to wear them for a short time.
Xiaomi slippers black and white
Below are indoor shoes made in a place called Paperplane. (Model name: PP1509) My foot size is 260cm, but I ordered 260cm before, and I got uncomfortable slippers because they were too small. (This is a New Balance product in the picture on the right.) It's stuck in the corner because the size doesn't fit. When should I put it on the carrot market?
The heels are as high as the heels below. There are two cushions, floor cushion and foot cushion. The floor is made of solid material and the sole of the foot is made of cushioned tough material. (The sole cushion is not squishy. It feels like I'm pressing down on the shoe air cushion. Elasticity to return to its original state as soon as you take your hands off)
I didn't have to order a large one on purpose because the size came out in a regular size.
The front cheek fits perfectly and the heel is not lacking.
It's the same product, but it's separated for women and men.
I think you can buy it according to the size of the foot ball (rather than the difference between men and women).
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