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2021년 동탄센트럴파크 농구장 만석
- 동탄 센트럴파크 농구장 - 어제 날이 많이 풀려서 공이나 좀 던저볼까 싶어서 농구장에 갔는데 농구장이 ...
- Dongtan Central Park Basketball Stadium. -
The weather was so nice yesterday, so I went to the basketball court to throw the ball, and the basketball court was full. I couldn't play the game, so I just went to practice shooting, but I couldn't throw the ball because the game was being played on all the courts.
© NAVER Corp.
Dongtan Central Park Basketball Stadium
22 Dongtan Park-ro 2-gil, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do
I used to turn on searchlight until 10 p.m., but I don't know how it is now. There are a lot of people waiting, so if you want to play, you have to wait in line. I don't know if it's because of a basketball entertainment show on TV, but I think a lot of basketball players are back. Due to the timing, I hope you can use the hi-bar one by one.
- Dongtan Yeoul Park Basketball Stadium. -
I looked it up on Naver's map to see if there is a basketball court nearby. There's a basketball court in Yeoul Park. There were only two basketball goalposts here, so there weren't many people. The searchlight goes out at 10 p.m., and the basketball and goalpost are visible through the streetlight in the park. It's a little dark for games, but not bad for practice.
© NAVER Corp.
Dongtan Yeoul Park Basketball Stadium
1060 Osan-dong, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do
When I arrived at the basketball court, the searchlight is on. It's good to play games because you're so bright.
Searchlight On
Searchlight turned off as soon as it arrived.
Searchlight turned off after 10 p.m.
The searchlight is off, but there are many streetlights in the park, so I can see the ball well. When I was a student, I used to play basketball with just a street lamp, but now I don't know if my eyes have become dull or dark. Basketball goalposts aren't that good, but they're better than street basketball goalposts, but we don't have shock protection pads, so we should be careful. It's because the floor has a lot of footprints, but it's clean and well coated.
- Lake park basketball goal. - Yeah.
There are two basketball goals next to the mini soccer field. All-coat
I think the basketball goal under the bridge is the best in Dongtan.
It's almost like an indoor gym-level goal post.
I think basketball will be possible because there is a ceiling even if it rains.
However, it's under the bridge, so I think it'll be affected by the wind on rainy days.
There's a basketball court in Bangadari Park, so I went there. There's a studio town right next to here, so if you play basketball, it can be a problem because of the noise. It's a desk administration that brings the basketball court close to the living area. I have to make it a bit far away so that I can play basketball without any noise problems, right? I just came back because there were no search lights and only streetlights.
© NAVER Corp.
Bangadari Park Basketball Stadium
876-2 Bangyo-dong, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do
It came out a little brighter because I took it in night mode. I can't really see the ball.
There might be people exercising at night, so the residents must be under a lot of stress because it's right behind the goal post.
I think we should move the basketball court to another place where there is no damage to residents.
I have one all-coat.
The basketball goalpost is in good condition.
I bought a basketball (spalding) and a basketball bag (AliExpress) to warm up the weather and throw some balls.
I bought it from the Spalding NBA Gold Internet for about 30,000 won.
I bought the basketball bag that I ordered from Ali Express for about 10,000 won, but now that I think about it, it seems expensive.
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