NT900X3K CPU radiator disassembly
https://blog.naver.com/dongtancom/222235365577 CPU 방열판 나사가 없는 노트북도 분해 청소가 가능하네요. 방열판이 이렇게 붙어있는 모델은 메인보드를 완전 분해하면, 뒷면에 방열판을 풀 수 있는 나사가 있었네요... blog.naver.com The model with the heat shield attached to it completely disassembles the main board. There was a screw on the back that could loosen the heat shield. I don't usually look for it because I'm not that curious. I was suddenly curious, so I..
2021. 5. 20. 14:26