NT500R5L 노트북 내부 모습 (분해) (NT500R5L Notebook Interior View (Dismantled))
NT500R5L 노트북 내부 모습 (분해) https://blog.naver.com/dongtancomputer/222211585040 NT500R5L-M58D 분해 SSD 업그레이드 NT500R5L-M58D 노트북이 입고됐습니다. 노트북 동작이 느려서 메모리 업그레이드를 요청한 고객님인... blog.naver.com NT500R5L-M58D laptop has been stocked. I'm a customer who requested a memory upgrade because the laptop is slow. There was no additional mounting slot for memory, so we proceeded with adding SSD. The reason why the lap..
2021. 6. 5. 13:24