NT500R5L 노트북 내부 모습 (분해)
NT500R5L-M58D 분해 SSD 업그레이드
NT500R5L-M58D 노트북이 입고됐습니다. 노트북 동작이 느려서 메모리 업그레이드를 요청한 고객님인...
NT500R5L-M58D laptop has been stocked. I'm a customer who requested a memory upgrade because the laptop is slow. There was no additional mounting slot for memory, so we proceeded with adding SSD. The reason why the laptop was slow was not because it ran out of memory. (I installed Windows 10 on my hard disk and it was slow.)
I removed all the tightened screws on the back to open the substrate. We also have a Logitech USB receiver, so we're keeping it separately.
When you open the back panel, you can see the inside as below. The CPU is not a high-end CPU, but it is still an i5 product, so if you install a digital storage SSD, it will work much faster. Before warehousing, it was running on an analog hard disk, so the speed was very slow. Memory is built-in (soldered) on the board, so it is difficult to upgrade additionally.
The power connector of the battery is being removed before mounting the M.2 SSD.
The SSD to be fitted is Western Digital's M.2 SSD Blue. The distributor's sticker is attached to the SSD well.
The M.2 SSD was inserted into the laptop and secured to the main board with a small screw.
After checking that it is recognized normally on the BIOS screen, I installed Windows 10 and shipped it.
The hard disk has a working speed of 100MB/s, and the SSD has a speed of 500MB/s. Some M.2 SSDs use the NVMe-style M.2 SSD, and some produce speeds ranging from 2,000MB/s to 3,000MB/s. These days, faster PCIe 4.0 M.2 SSDs are also being released. (They say Intel 11th generation CPU or Ryzen 3rd generation CPU is supported.)
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