15UD40N-GX56K 외관 및 윈도우10 부팅 속도
15UD40N-GX56K 노트북입니다. 깔끔한 흰색톤의 키보드가 인상적이네요. 라이젠5 CPU가 장착된 노...
It's a 15UD40N-GX56K laptop. The neat white-toned keyboard is impressive.
This is a notebook with a Reisen 5 CPU. I think it will be fast just by looking at the CPU.
The liquid crystal is a normal liquid crystal with nothing special. The LG logo is stuck in the middle.
The LG logo is also embedded on the top plate.
Right side is a small memory (tiplash) reader, 1 USB 3.0 port, 2 unknown holes (LAN motion?), LAN port, Anti-Theft locking hole
On the left side, you can see the power port, HDMI output port, USB 3.0 port, USB C type port, headset terminal, power LED, and HDD LED.
On the back side, the vent is pierced in the shape of a honeycomb. It's not good to block here. Working on an Evil, Knee, or Cushion can heat your laptop and reduce CPU performance to reduce heat generation. It's good to use in a well-ventilated place. It is recommended to take good care of the windpipe on the back of the laptop so that it doesn't get clogged. It's good to pay attention to the ventilation so that the cold wind flows in and the hot wind escapes well.
The LAN port is a method of connecting the LAN cable by opening your mouth as below, but if you don't support it from the bottom, the cable connection may not be smooth, so the wired Internet connection may not be good. It's good to use a laptop in a flat place like a desk.
The adapter is a Chicony product with 19V 3.42A. There's a product with a high capacity for a small laptop. The reason why laptops consume a lot of electricity is that they have high performance.
LG 15UD40N-GX56K Laptop Windows 10 Boot Speed and Web Page Move Speed
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