15UD40N-GX56K 동작 속도 동영상 (15UD40N-GX56K Motion Speed Video)
https://blog.naver.com/dongtancomputer/222187056445 15UD40N-GX56K 외관 및 윈도우10 부팅 속도 15UD40N-GX56K 노트북입니다. 깔끔한 흰색톤의 키보드가 인상적이네요. 라이젠5 CPU가 장착된 노... blog.naver.com It's a 15UD40N-GX56K laptop. The neat white-toned keyboard is impressive. This is a notebook with a Reisen 5 CPU. I think it will be fast just by looking at the CPU. The liquid crystal is a normal liquid crystal with nothing special. The..
2021. 6. 4. 12:21