(파워서플라이의) 사타 전원 케이블 화재
(제목의 사진은 다른 컴퓨터의 사진입니다.) 화재 난 케이블을 직접 눈으로 확인한 것은 아니기 때문에 파...
케이스의 구조상 케이블이 꺾일 경우에도 접속불량이 생길 수 있습니다. 요즘 사타 전원 케이블도 클립형태로 고정하는 제품이 많은데, 완전히 빠지지 않고 걸쳐 있으면 문제가 될 수도 있을 거 같네요. 케이스 제조사도 케이블이 꺾이지 않도록 케이스를 잘 만들어야할 거 같습니다. 케이스에 잘 맞은 파워서플라이 제조사와 연합하는 것도 좋고요.
컴퓨터 화재 (파워서플라이)
컴퓨터에서 타는 냄새가 나서 전원을 내리고 가져오신 컴퓨터입니다. 컴퓨터 부품에 코를 대서 냄새나는 곳...
I don't think it'll be easy to say the name of the powerfly because I didn't check the cable that caught the fire with my own eyes. As shown below, the computer that is using the cable has been stocked. It seems that all of Sata's wires, which were shortened by fire, have been twisted one by one.
I opened the back panel of the case and found traces of fire. When I saw that it didn't match the current SSD location, I think there was a hard disk that used SATA power in that location. The hard disk is removed, so it is not accurate. The customer doesn't know the inside because it's not his computer.
As the Sata power line ridden (by the circumstances), we could see that the front fan's wires were also set on fire. The front fan was separated and discarded.
Fire carried to front fan battle lines (cable control seems to have used flame retardant or no more fire).)
It looks like a fire broke out in the space under the SSD as shown below. Given that there are no hard disk fixed plastic guides and no sub-storage devices (hard disks), it seems that there will be a problem between the Sata device and the Powerfly at the bottom. It is not necessarily a problem with the power cable or connector of the power supply. It seems difficult to conclude in the photo because it can cause a fire even if the hard disk is loosely installed, the port is broken or foreign substances get stuck between the ports.
IDE TO Sata Power Conversion Cable Fire
SATA (Sata) Power Supply Cable Fire Case Analysis
Previous text: 4-pin power to SATA power conversion gender...
Sata power cable short circuit on spilt computer
a spilt computer
These days, there are many products with holes in the top of the case, so if you spill liquid from the top, it flows right into the substrate...
Connection force difference by Sata power connector (binding force, frictional force) (1 minute and 40 seconds~)
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댓글 영역