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CPU온도 114, 115도 (수랭쿨러불량)
"사용하다가 컴퓨터가 자꾸 꺼진다"고 방문해주신 고객님 컴의 CPU 온도입니다. 보통은 100도...
서멀구리스도 재도포해보고
외부에서도 테스트를 진행해봤습니다.
CPU 온도가 100도가 넘어가네요.
This is the CPU temperature of your computer that you visited, "My computer keeps turning off while I'm using it." Usually, when it gets close to 100 degrees, there are many computers that turn off, but did you turn off the temperature-related option on the main board? It's going over 100 degrees.
After rebooting, the CPU temperature on the main board is 109 degrees. The cooling fan of the water-cooler is turning, but it can't control the CPU heat.
It is a computer equipped with a KrakenX52 water cooler, which was disconnected to check the condition and junction of thermal copper. Seeing that the thermoguris has been licked up, it looks like it's properly pressed down. (The connection between the CPU and the heat sink is good)
Since CPU defect sometimes comes out, we are going to check by replacing CPU and cooler. The replacement CPU was tested using Gen8 compatible CPUs. When I'm working on replacing the CPU, I get confused, so I write it on top of the CPU. (The thermoguris contains oil, so it erases a lot while wiping it off.)
We are going to conduct a short test, so we are going to conduct the test using the cheapest thermal copper.
The water cooler is joining again and checking the temperature. Checking only on the main board without entering the window. I didn't do anything, but the basic temperature is 67.5 degrees. The temperature will continue to rise even if the CPU is switched to 68.5 and 72.5 degrees.
I'm checking the condition of the thermal and heat sink that I just applied. It's spread out well according to the shape of the top of the CPU. The connection is going well.
Cover the water cooler heat sink and tighten the screws, they stick together without separation. I wonder why the guide played a little and made it like that.
Kraken X52 Intel Guide Shaking
We removed the water cooler guide and installed an Intel genuine cooler (basic cooler = gicool) to check the temperature.
It started at 48 degrees and went up to 54 degrees five minutes later. I don't know if it's because the simos mode is fancy or because the CPU is heated up, but it's not low, but it's lower than the broken water cooler.
We tested your graphics card for an hour and measured the CPU temperature. It's not that high at 62 degrees.
I'm installing your CPU on my main board to check the original CPU. It's the Intel i7-9700K model.
(Model without Intel Basic Cooler in Genuine Box)
The Intel default cooler is installed. Let's start at 40.5 degrees.
The maximum temperature after booting without overloading is 55 degrees.
I turned the CPU test and inspection program to give CPU load.
CPU Test Passed
The maximum temperature is 100 degrees. Because the CPU itself is a CPU with a high calorific value, it is difficult to control the heat with an Intel basic cooler. This is the CPU that should be equipped with at least a tower-type air-cooled cooler. Maybe it's because the main board took care of it, but it didn't go up to 100 degrees. It is suspected that the water-cooler is defective. The water cooler is removed from the main body and connected to my main board and power fly to check the condition.
I measured CPU temperature only on the main board without working on it after window booting separately. The starting temperature was between 54.5 degrees and 96.5 degrees in 5 minutes.
This is maintaining at 99 degrees as the CPU voltage drops.
CPU Temperature 99 Degrees
Water cooler is defective. There seems to be a problem with the motor that rotates the water. As far as I know, the product has a very long after-sales period. Since you are planning to use the computer right away, it is difficult to use it after receiving the A/S, but we replaced it with an air-cooler (trinity LED) and shipped it out.
If you look at the finished picture, it looks simple to replace, but if you want to replace the air-cooled cooler, you often need to disassemble the main board, assemble and re-insert the cooler. When equipped with the ATX mainboard tower cooler, there are also cases where the "top fan, rear fan" must be disconnected from the surrounding object. (This time, only the top fan was disconnected.)
The air-cooled tower-type cooler is not complete because there is a defect in the fan, but it is easier to maintain because it is a simple structure than a water-cooler.
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