고객님께서 구입처에 AS 대행을 받아오셔서 메인보드 교체하는 작업을 진행했습니다. 근데, 또 초기불량품이 걸려서 부팅이 안되는 증상이 있었습니다. 다시 서비스센터로 입고해서 두번째로 AS 처리를 받았습니다. AS센터에서 굳이 고장난 걸 보내줄 이유가 없기 때문에, 일부로 그랬을 거 같지는 않고 하루에도 많은 AS 건을 처리하다보니 실수가 있었던 거 같습니다. A/S 대행 업무를 할 때, 한 번에 끝나면 제일 이상적인 결과이지만, 그렇지 않은 경우도 생기기 때문에 A/S 대행 업무를 맡아드리는 게 신품 교체 대비 시간이 많이 걸리기도 합니다. (서비스 센터의 대체품이 신품대비 안정적이지도 않고요. 이미 불량난 제품 수리 또는 리퍼 제품, 공장에서 찍어나온 신품이 아니니깐) 이번에는 AS센터와 구입처에서 점검을 했겠거니하고 생략했었던 케이스에 조립하기 전에, 외부에서 정상동작 여부를 먼저 테스트했습니다.
AS 받아온 메인보드 다시 AS 보내기
구입하신지 1년 안 된 컴퓨터인데, 메인보드 불량이라서 구매처를 통해서 AS를 받으시라고 말씀드렸는데...
[참고] CS이노베이션 서비스센터 연락처와 주소
컴퓨터 부품 서비스 센터 연락망
CPU 구분,AS 접수 방법,전화번호,주소,주거래 택배사,택배비용,수정날짜,비고 인텔,http://www.realcpu.co.kr/web_2013/ascenter.html,1544-7855,서울시 용산구 청파
It's a computer you bought less than a year ago, but the main board is defective, so I told you to get an after-sales service through the place of purchase. I can do it for you, but if it's less than a year old, it can be cheaper to get it from the buyer. (If it's the main body you bought online, it's hard to visit, so it's convenient to get the service from the buyer.) You got the main board replaced. (This is a replacement product that has been replaced by a direct visit to the service center.)
Of course, assuming it would be a well-tested product, we passed the "in prefabricated" motion test and assembled it in the case before assembling it. I'm sorry that you skipped the interim inspection process because you visited on Saturday and there was a lot of work to do. On days when things don't work well, parts get in trouble. If you do things in order without a delay, you may have time to complete them without any mistakes or errors, but if things don't go well, you may end up in an infinite loop as if you can't get out of the way.
But you still left a good picture of the main board that was replaced. I think I took a picture in advance because I can't check one by one.
Because of the heat shield on the CPU, it seems difficult to install a homemade cooler that is tightened with a hand screw like a trinity. (Removing the heat shield and installing the homemade cooler)
I'm leaving a picture to see if there are any problems with the parts here.
I'm also checking the back of the main board, and I'm impressed with the insulation even if the user makes a mistake in the stand-off.
The most intensive part to check is the arrangement of pins in the socket where the Intel CPU will be plugged in. Do you happen to have any curves? I'm checking to see if there are any foreign substances.
We'll install your CPU and apply a new thermal grease.
We also attach your M.2 SSD.
Fortunately, it's not a hand screw method, but a homemade cooler that can be tightened with a driver, so there was no interference with the heating panel on the main board. The lid of the heat shield of the priest cooler is not cool, so it keeps separating during the assembly process. I think I put in a substrate to put LED light on the top of the cooler. I don't know if I used the LED element of the heating product, but I wonder if I have to put the LED on the cooler like this.
I installed a Wi-Fi antenna on the back and assembled a graphics card. (It looks like you recycled the graphics card you used before.))
It's the moment when you laugh in vain. I'm done assembling it, but there's no response.
The replaced main board (AS) was re-stocked to the AS center. Usually, I send a notification text message to inform the progress of AS... This time, I got a call saying that I will send you a product that works normally. The service center doesn't have to send broken products on purpose, so I'm waiting. If you repair it with human hands, there is a higher chance of problems than the first product taken from the factory, so I think parts that go through the AS center are more likely to get defective products than you think. Also, I think that's why the service center can't run the test for a long time after repairing it. It's simple if the after-sales service works well, but if it doesn't work out, I might have to send it again, so if I get stuck in the middle, I can't help but feel embarrassed. (It takes longer if the delivery service goes back and forth like these days.) In some cases, it's not a bad choice to resell products that have been replaced and replaced with A/S on secondhand sales platforms such as "Used Country" or "Carrot Market". (Of course, it will be more expensive to replace than to receive aftersales service, but it is a personal choice considering the time and labor costs required to process aftersales service.)
We are checking the status of the main board that was replaced for the second time a week later.
This time, we are conducting the test before installing it on the case.
It was delivered around Saturday evening, so we are testing its normal operation by putting it on the mainboard box before loading it on the case on Monday.
We checked the normal operation and shipped it.
The picture below shows how to store your remaining accessories. If you store it in a plastic pack like this, it's less confusing. Otherwise, it may roll around and become lost and lost. Transparent zipper packs are sold a lot in Daiso. Silver foil zipper packs are sold in the open market in quantity market.
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