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컴퓨터 오래 사용하면, 손목 통증있을 때, 유용한 키보드 마우스 장비
https://youtu.be/cOmEzt9n-mw게이머들이 주로 사용하는 한손 키보드를 이렇게 일상 생활 중에도 활용할 ...
컴퓨터를 오래사용하다보면, 팔꿈치 아랫쪽 근육의 통증이 생길 수 있습니다. (테니스 엘보)
팔꿈치가 책상에 놓이도록 팔꿈치 받침대와 손목이 안 아픈 인체공학 마우스를 사용하고 있습니다.
You can use the one-handed keyboard that gamers usually use in their daily lives. I think that's a good idea.
I have right wrist pain (wrist terminal syndrome, tennis elbow) mainly due to flat normal mouse use. Sometimes when you overdo it, you get pain. I had wrist-elbow pain in 2018, but I think I'm fine last year and this year. (But if you overdo it, it'll be heavy.)
I didn't know the cause of "wrist pain" that I experienced for the first time, so I just put on a pain relief patch and rubbed it on my sore spot. They say you shouldn't rub your sore muscles in a circular shape. Symptoms are usually sore in the wrist (terminal), but the cause is muscle problems (inflammation) leading to the wrist and elbow as well as the wrist, so the treatment method is not solved and aggravated by rubbing. (Click) I referred to YouTube's "Mr. Blink?" video and did reference video (2). (If you're sick, I recommend you go to the hospital.-)
How to put pain relief patches on your wrist (If you cut and attach it, it won't be tattered and stays together for a long time).
It's best to move and relax your muscles so that you don't sit at your desk for a long time, but because of the nature of your job, you can't concentrate on your wrist (floor) and use an arm rest to raise your right arm's elbow. The mouse also uses a desk and a 45 degree curved mouse (cheap) rather than a flat normal mouse. The desk and the vertical shape are also uncomfortable because of the bending of the muscles, so I think the most comfortable and comfortable posture is about 45 degrees. I'm sure it's a good idea based on your wrist research, right wrist. Copying people can analyze prototypes and come up with correct answers and improvements.)
Wristrest, Armrest Form, Fixation Method
I hold the mouse at an angle so that the palm and desk are horizontal so that they don't bend. If you stay like this all day long, it's good to get up and move once an hour. (It's not easy)
Using computer mouse with armrests
I bought a few mice from AliExpress (AliExpress) overseas and I'm using this because it's a cheap and decent product.
Since it's only about a fifth of the price of a brand's functional product, the first mouse I bought had a faulty wheel button malfunctioning due to luck in pulling it out. I gave it to someone who doesn't use the wheel. (Left and right clicks are normal) I bought 2~3 of the same products and have been using them well for more than a year. Even if the second mouse was defective, I think I would have purchased and used it up to the third. Below is a mouse that I have been using well for over a year now. It says M012 MGS483. I'm using a receiver plugged into the front USB 2.0 port. When sending data to the front USB 3.0 port, there is a wireless interference with USB 3.0. (There is an interference issue between USB 3.0 port and wireless 2.4 GHz.) If the distance between the USB port is a little lower, I think it's okay, so there's a way to use the extension. Other than that, I've been using the battery well for over a year.
The mouse lying on top (2 lines of Wi-Fi) is currently in use, and the mouse lying on the bottom (one line of L-shaped arches) is a wrist mouse that I bought and didn't wear (because it's uncomfortable). Don't you think you'll buy the product below?
The product below is from China, so I can't see the model name. It says Wireless Optical Mouse. The biggest feature is the appearance of McDonald's arch-shaped LED and shark antenna. It's not easy to press the button because the mouse is big. It's inconvenient to use.
It's the shape of the top. The mouse on the top is a mouse that is currently in use and is not used because it is uncomfortable.
=> Even this vertical mouse has a shark-shaped antenna on the top of the mouse as shown below, and the mouse gets caught in the hand when typing on the keyboard, making it difficult to use. If possible, I think it would be convenient to use a round product without any difficulties. (It's personal experience and personal taste.)
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