상세 컨텐츠

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by 동탄컴퓨터수리점 2023. 4. 17. 09:59


오산 세교에서 찾아주신 손님 컴퓨터 수리


오산세교에서 찾아주신 손님 컴퓨터 수리 과정




(오산 세교 방문 손님) 고장난 컴퓨터 수리 과정

1번 PC 잘 안 되는 증상 : 부팅이 굉장히 느립니다. 오산시 세교동에서 찾아주신 손님의 컴퓨터 2대입니...


Symptoms of PC 1 not working well: Booting very slow.



These are the two computers of the customer you found in Segyo-dong, Osan-si. When you boot the window as shown below, the mouse cursor turns into a circle on the black screen, and the desktop appears after a while. It takes 10 minutes even though drive C is SSD. As I checked, the SSD is bad. (Sectors with no data access) It's an SSD with a lot of bad sectors detected, so I need to replace the SSD to use the computer properly.





The hard disk reads at speeds ranging from 60 to 180 Mb/s. SATA SSDs can be approximately 200 to 500MB/s depending on the motherboard. If it's an SSD, it should be used at a speed of 100MB/sec even if the read speed is not good, but the customer's SSD in Segyo-dong operates at a speed of 1 to 10MB/sec, so the boot process takes a very long time.





The full inspection of this SSD also takes more than 10 hours, so we stopped the inspection. (Picture on the right)







Computer is very slow due to bad SSD





Additional Symptom 1) Computer fan noise. => Checked for fan noise from the power supply. The power supply has been disassembled to clean the dust inside the power supply and replenish the fan oil, and several capacitors are inflated (power is also faulty) as shown below.


=> It is recommended that you grind the power.





Power supply failure, capacitor bursting and cooling fan noise present





Additional Symptom 2) Bad power button => External power switch installed.


The power button on the case is broken. The appearance is rarely repaired because each case has a different shape. There are no materials.



Power switch push button plastic broken, replaced by external power switch







Additional checks) Small body with 1 SSD + 2 hard disks.


1 SSD = Bad, 2 hard disks are fine.



As a result of the hard disk inspection, it is normal.






Additional requests) I have a video taken with a 360 degree camera,


The computer said it couldn't play, so I installed a codec that can play.





It's a 360-degree camera video.






Broken parts, one power supply, one SSD.



a broken accessory





PC No. 2 Request Symptoms: A computer I received from an acquaintance, requesting to reinstall Windows 10





I got this computer from an acquaintance.


I got this computer from an acquaintance, and I got a request to reinstall Windows 10. First of all, you can see a trace of liquid flowing from top to bottom on the right end. I tried wiping it with a wet tissue, but it's hard to wipe it off. Fortunately, it doesn't seem to have penetrated into the interior parts, but it seems that there are foreign substances on the outside.



The above computer is a computer assembled with parts produced around 2014. I wish I had an SSD, but I don't have one. I recommended an SSD upgrade, but you're asking me to just install Windows. Instead, there is no data to back up. I asked you to delete all of them and reinstall them.



During the Windows installation, the hard disk was connected to my computer and inspected. Both hard disks are normal.







It's equipped with two hard disks. It's all normal.




The battery on the main board was also discharged, so I replaced it with a new one.



New Simos battery.




I installed Windows on the hard disk, so I shipped it the next day because there was no problem except for the slow operation. Older computers equipped with hard disks can be difficult to repair on the same day.



I attached the details after repair on April 13, 2023.



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