NT270E5K-K16E 분해 및 내부 모습
전원버튼을 누르면, 전원 LED는 켜지지만 정상적으로 부팅이 안되는 노트북입니다. 메인보드 불량으로 ...
If you press the power button, the power LED will turn on but it will not boot normally. It is estimated that the mainboard is defective. Most of the critical components are onboard, so there are no points that can be checked at the local computer repair shop. (There is no fitting to replace.) I wanted to change the memory, so I opened it and closed it again. You will need to get an AS through the service center or visit a private repair shop (Repair Center => electronic equipment repair shop) to find the broken part and get it replaced or repaired. Since laptops are over five years old, second-hand transactions of laptops are also lowered, and if the mainboard repair costs increase, repair costs may be higher than those of normal used laptops. Then, because the meaning of the repair is tarnished (CPU, RAM integrated). Replacing the main board is more expensive than expected, so I recommend buying a new laptop. If a private repair shop can repair at "100,000 won" for a broken accessory repair, not for a mainboard replacement, you can get it repaired once, but it is difficult to find a repair shop that fixes it well. Mainboard repair is usually delayed, so I don't leave the repair service because the repair period is extended, and no matter how well a person fixes it, it gets overloaded and people fix it with their hands. (I don't even introduce you because I'm embarrassed to enter the middle.)
NT270E5K-K16E Interior View
I have a picture that I took while organizing the pictures, so I'm uploading it for reference. It's a job to open it to check inside, so if you put it up like this, you can see the inside even if you don't open it, so if you put it up on the Internet, it's a reference for other people.
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