델, HP 컴퓨터 등 외국계 계열의 컴퓨터 회사에서는 자주 사용하지 않은 기술을 사용하는 컴퓨터가 간혹 있습니다. 저희 매장이 일반인 대상으로 컴퓨터 수리를 진행하는 만큼 이런 기술이 적용된 컴퓨터가 자주 입고되지 않은 탓도 있겠습니다만 일반적으로 흔히 사용되는 기술은 아닌 거 같습니다. SSD, M.2 SSD 등 기술이 비약적으로 발전하고 있기 때문에, SSD 또는 M.2 SSD를 장착하는 것만으로도 충분히 빠르게 컴퓨터를 사용할 수 있습니다.
"인텔 옵테인 메모리기술"을 사용하는 델컴퓨터가 입고됐네요.
아래와 같이 No Bootable devices Found 라는 오류 메시지가 뜨고 윈도우 로딩이 안되는 컴퓨터가 동탄...
부팅이 안됐던 이유는 하드디스크가 불량이였던 거 같은데요. 완전히 불량난 것은 아니고 됐다가 안됐다가 간헐적인 증상이 있어서 인식이 잘 될 때, 이미지를 떠놓고 SSD로 복사한 다음에 컴퓨터에 연결하니 정상적?으로 부팅이 되네요. 설치된 프로그램을 안정적으로 사용하기 위해서는 윈도우를 재설치하고 프로그램을 다시 설치하는 게 제일 좋겠습니다.
As shown below, an error message called No Bootable devices Found appeared and a computer that could not load windows was received on Dongtan Computer. If this message appears, the hard disk is not recognized in Simos mode. If this message does not appear, the Windows 10 circular logo appears and booting may proceed. It's a computer that sometimes works or doesn't work. Later, when I organize while writing, I can see the result of working and not working. Does it work or not during the inspection? It's hard to judge right away. Are the same symptoms implemented on other computers? There's a process of checking. When connected to another computer, just in time, when it works fine, it falls into a swamp and has a long repair time. Poor computer accessories, whether it works or not, make it difficult to find symptoms. Lucky days can be found at once, but unlucky days take a few days to find them. Depending on the person who checks, there are some places where symptoms come out well, and in some cases, intermittent defective symptoms may have to be checked by various people at several stores. Computers with intermittent symptoms can implement symptoms in a certain pattern, which greatly shortens the repair process. Otherwise, depending on the condition of the part, if it works as you please, you have no choice but to conduct a cross-test while replacing the part step by step.
No bootable devices Found
It's the Dell computer as below. It's a type of computer that doesn't follow the standards of computer parts and makes computer parts with its own standards, so it's hard to test them because there's no compatible accessory. There are not many repairs, so it's hard to have a dedicated accessory.)
DELL Computer's Unique Structure
Intel OPTANE MEMORY is installed in the M.2 slot. I only know that there's a technology like this, and I think I've rarely seen a computer that actually uses it. I'm careful to work on it because I heard that there's important data on hard disks in areas I don't know well. (I've never used Optane memory because SSD has been widely used a lot.)
Intel® Optane™ Memory - Innovative Memory
Intel® Optane™ memory technology provides a responsive computing and storage experience in the latest Intel® Core™ processor-based systems.
First of all, I was curious about the condition of the hard disk, so I decomposed it and connected it to a test computer to check the condition of the hard disk for a while. After 5 to 10 minutes of surface inspection of the hard disk, I couldn't find any problems, so I connected it to the Dell computer again.
I'm checking my hard disk.
Even if there is a problem with the data cable (sata cable), the hard disk may not be recognized well and damage to data transmission may occur, so we replaced a relatively simple SATA cable. (White SATA3 cable)
Changing the hard disk Sata cable.
As soon as the cable was replaced, the window booted normally. The device manager is checking the hard disk. It says Intel Optane +466GB HDD.
intel optane+ 466GB HDD
When I checked the status of the hard disk and Optane memory by launching a utility called Intel Fast Storage Technology, it was marked as an array as follows.
Intel Fast Storage Technology
After a little while, the computer is starting to fail and the hard disk usage rate is rising to 100%.
(Suspecting that the hard disk itself is defective)
Task manager's hard work rate is 100%.
We are attempting to float an image with an SSD by connecting an existing hard disk to a subcomputer. Symptoms are now starting to come true here. I tried to copy it with a hard copy, but my computer also showed symptoms of poor access to the hard disk. It is almost diagnosed as an intermittent defect in the hard disk.
Copying from a subcomputer to a hard disk SSD.
Fortunately, after several attempts, I was able to create a hard disk image. When I copied the image of Samsung 870 EVO SSD 250GB and booted Windows 10, it worked without any problems. The part synchronized with Optane memory was cut off. However, because the SSD itself is fast, it seems to operate faster than the existing structure of hard disk + optane memory. (I didn't see the best condition of HDD+Optain memory...)
Since it is a computer that is connected to a machine and used for control, hard copies may have problems in running programs. Usually, expensive programs do not work because program authentication is cut off when the hard disk changes. (Make a program so that you can't copy it and use it.) Personally, I recommended that you have a model name and serial number of the hard disk and compare it?) So, I recommended you to get a new drive system program installed.
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