컴퓨터 본체 먼지 제거하는 방법
[ 관련글 ] https://blog.naver.com/dongtancom/222320535770 컴퓨터 먼지 제거 동영상 보통은 동영상을 찍어놓지 않는데 먼지가 많은 컴퓨터가 입고된 듯 보이네요. 회전하는 바텐더 의자 있으면... blog.naver.com I usually don't take videos, but it looks like a dusty computer is in. If you have a rotating bartender chair, dusting is very convenient. And if you clean with a fan in the back wind, dust doesn't fly to the cleaning person, so it's convenient to clean..
2021. 8. 10. 19:09