그래픽카드 쿨러가 고정났을 때, 이렇게 해보세요. (When the graphics card cooler is fixed, try this way.)
https://blog.naver.com/dongtancomputer/222224257692 신기한 그래픽카드 쿨러 (인텔 정품 쿨러 재활용) 손님게서 가져오신 컴퓨터인데요. 신기해서 한컷 찍어봤습니다. 그래픽카드 방열판 위에 인텔 정품쿨러를 ... blog.naver.com This is the computer you brought. It was amazing, so I took a picture. There is an Intel genuine cooler hanging on the heat shield of the graphics card. There are a lot of Intel genuine coolers left, is that a good idea?I think it's Of course,..
2021. 6. 8. 13:57