H310M-STX 메인보드 (H310M-STX Mainboard)
https://blog.naver.com/dongtancomputer/222211597499 H310M-STX 베인보드 장착된 베이본 PC 컴퓨터 동작이 안돼서 데이터만 빼달라고 오신 고객님의 베이본 컴퓨터입니다. 크기가 상당히 작은 모델이... blog.naver.com This is your BabyBone computer that came to take out the data because the computer is not working. It was a very small model. We couldn't test all the parts because the main board didn't have the same product, but we checked the basic parts whil..
2021. 6. 6. 13:27