댁에 서멀구리스가 없어서 일반 구리스?를 도포한 다음 CPU 온도가 100도에 가깝게 올라가는 컴퓨터가 입고되었습니다. CPU 쿨러만 제대로 장착된 상태라면 100도까지는 안 올라갈 거 같은데 CPU 쿨러의 고정핀을 확인해보니 파손된 상태로 제대로 부착(결착, 압착)이 안됐었나 봅니다.
기존 쿨러에서 부러질 거 같은 고정핀들은 제거하고 다른 115X 기본 쿨러에서 분리해서 CPU 팬 고정핀을 이식했습니다.
그래도 평상시 온도가 60도라서 이상해서 컴퓨터를 다시 점검해봤는데요. 아래와 같이 CPU 옆으로 4번째 슬롯의 메모리가 슬롯에 장착되지 않고 떠 있는 증상을 추가로 발견했습니다. 제대로 장착한 다음 CPU 온도가 많이 내려갔습니다. 메모리가 제대로 장착안되면, 안켜질 수도 있지만, 사용중에 오류가 발생하는 경우도 있습니다. 그 오류도 메모리의 특성 답게 랜덤하게 증상이 발현되기 때문에 메모리 접속불량 증상이 다양한 형태로 나타날 수 있습니다. 블루스크린, 멈춤, 화면 깨짐, 렉걸림 등등등
CPU 발열 100도 관련 글은 아래의 링크를 클릭하시면 됩니다.
CPU 발열 (97도, 98도, 99도, 100도)
i7-860 10년된 i7 CPU 컴퓨터가 입고됐습니다. 사용중에 꺼지는 증상으로 내방을 하셨는데요. CPU 온...
i7-860 10-year-old i7 CPU computers have been stocked. You've been in my room with symptoms that turn off during use. When I checked the CPU temperature, the temperature was rising to nearly 100 degrees Celsius. My sub-test computer is using the same CPU. If you don't do anything, it's about 50 degrees, and if you work hard, it's about 70 degrees. (Even the same CPU can vary depending on the type of CPU pull or cooler.) In any case, maintaining the CPU temperature without exceeding 70 degrees Celsius would be a way to reduce the system's speed drop. MOUNTED WITH MADE COOLER, ETC)
CPU temperature 97 degrees 98 degrees 99 degrees 100 degrees
Looking at the direction of the fastening pin of the cooler, I think you disassembled it once. The pin is turned in the direction of loosening. Still, the pins don't come out easily, so it looks pressed. (The best way is to open the back of the case and make sure that the pin is properly inserted.) I didn't think about writing on the blog, so I just broke it down, but next time I'll take a picture with the back plate open.)
Cooler Reverse
There is very little molasses on the CPU.It's boring. I think I heard that you put on toothpaste because you don't have any thermal copper, but I don't remember.
Toothpaste Thermal Grease
I wiped the toothpaste or thermal copper clean and checked the bottom of the CPU to see if there was anything smudging. Thermalguris, which has been buried in every corner and hardened, has no choice but to not be wiped well. It's good to use a toothbrush to shake it off.
I used to brush my boots when I was a trainee. I couldn't shake off the mud between the threads of my boots with my shoe brush. I remember being told that I couldn't clean my boots properly because my assistant came in during the roll call. When I was a trainee, I didn't think any of my classmates knew, and after being deployed, there was a "toothbrush" in the "battle shoes cleaning box," which naturally showed why. Fortunately, a private didn't mean that I couldn't use a toothbrush. With tools, it's really easy to clean. It was a difficult time for me to change my mind.
i7 870
When I checked to reassemble the CPU cooler, the fixed pin plastic was aging and the plastic was bent from side to side, so I thought it would break naturally if I stayed a little longer. We took out all the pins that could be broken and replaced them by pulling out the pins of Intel's genuine cooler (115X). The copper seam cooler has a better cooling effect than the aluminum heat shield. I recycled copper seam cooler.
Replace CPU Cooler Fixing Pin Broken
Reputation on Internet bulletin boards and YouTube has been reposted as cost-effective sumalgus. (I'm not sure if the XCT-4 effect is good.)
The thermal grease application method was also applied in the form of Internet-Netizen's official application method (X). Usually, people use it as much as beans with dots in the center. Since copper core or aluminum cooler is circular on the base anyway, I don't think there will be much difference between X, application, and bean shape. It's said that spreading bubbles is the worst, but actually, how long will bubbles be maintained between the cooler and the CPU? Will the bubble layer be formed or maintained to the point where heat transfer is poor? I have a question about that. (It's not sealed to prevent airflow, so I think the bubbles will fall out over time.)
I re-installed the CPU cooler and restarted the computer. The temperature doesn't rise to 90 degrees, but we could see that it was formed very high, about 70 degrees.
From here on out, I didn't think about it, so I focused on observing it, so I didn't take the next picture. To summarize briefly, one memory out of four memory slots had a bad connection.
I didn't take a picture of the memory connection defect, but I cut the picture applied with X and brought it. You can see the memory of the last slot sticking out a little bit as shown below. Although there was a little memory at the end (2 giga X 4) a total of 8 giga were recognized. After refitting the memory and changing the position arrangement, the heating was much lower. I don't know if the fever has worsened as a symptom of memory connection failure (error correction). Anyway, after refitting the memory, the temperature dropped a lot on average as below. (normal temperature of 50 degrees, but still high, considering the i7 CPU with a lot of heat, that's fine. I'll have to wear a priest cooler to lower the fever further, right? However, it's hard to use a tens of thousands of won homemade cooler on a 10-year-old computer, so I'm planning to use it one more time.)
ASUS P7P55D-E + i7 870 CPU 발열
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