CPU 팬은 정상적으로 회전하지만, 모니터에 아무런 화면이 안뜨는 컴퓨터가 입고됐습니다. 주요 증상 및 수리 내역은 아래의 포스팅을 참고바랍니다. blog.naver.com/dongtancom/222090473091
컴퓨터가 안켜져요. (1) 메인보드 불량, (2) 그래픽카드 화면 깨짐
컴퓨터가 안켜지는 증상으로 내방해주신 고객님의 컴퓨터입니다. 환절기에 단순 메모리 접속불량 증상 접수...
간단하게 요약드리면, 아래와 같은 3가지의 증상이 발견됐습니다.
(1) 메인보드 불량 - 동일칩셋 중고 메인보드 교체
(2) 그래픽카드 불량 - GTX 1050 그래픽카드 장착
(3) 하드디스크 SATA 커넥터 크렉 파손 - 중고 하드디스크 교체
컴퓨터 연식이 오래된 본체라서 수리 진행하지마시고 새로 구입하시는 걸 권장을 드렸습니다. 불량난 부품이 한 개만 있을 경우에는 수리를 진행하는 선택도 할 수 있지만, 여러 부품이 동시다발적으로 불량이 생기면, 수리해서 사용하기보다는 새로 구입하는 편이 유리할 때도 있습니다. 오래된 컴퓨터를 고치려면, 오래된 부품을 사용해야하는 경우가 많은데요. 그 부품도 연식이 오래됐기 때문에 얼만큼 사용할지는 장담드리기가 어렵습니다. 또 고장나면, 또 교체하고 수리하고 할 수는 있으니 새컴퓨터보다는 연식이 오래된 컴퓨터를 계속 수리하는 것이 업체 입장(매출)에서는 유리할 수도 있습니다. 새로 구입하면, (주요 부품의 AS기간인) 3년 정도는 크게 불량날 부품이 없기 때문에 초기 비용은 많이 들지만 유지보수 비용은 적게 드릴 수 있습니다. 절대적인 기준이 아니라서 이런 선택지도 있으니 각자의 취향에 맞춰서 컴퓨터를 사용하시면 됩니다. (새차 좋아하시는 분도 계시고 중고차 좋아하시는 분들도 계신만큼 각자 취향에 맞춰서 사용하시면 됩니다.)
This is your computer that you visited due to the symptom that the computer is not turning on. I do receive the most symptoms of poor memory connection during the change of seasons. In the case below, it is a computer with a more complicated problem, so it is difficult to check immediately and it takes about a day. (Of course, it's possible on the same day if you go fast, but if you have work overlapping, you don't have time to check and test one computer continuously, so you need a day to spare.) In particular, if you have several defective symptoms, you need a lot of time to check and repair them, as shown in the computer below. There are no new parts to replace, and it is difficult to repair them on the same day because there are many problems with compatibility (compatibility) or unexpected problems with existing parts.)
There are so many symptoms and so many things to explain, I left a text message after checking the defect symptoms so that you can easily understand them. When it is difficult to explain like this all the time and it is difficult to understand through conversation, it is easy to understand (deliver) the contents in writing, so we text you the inspection details and repair methods. When it is difficult to explain in writing, I try to explain as much as I can by filming a video and writing a link on a blog (poster).
2020-09-15 (Tuesday) 16:06
Hello, I'm Dongtan Computer.
I inform you of the inspection details as below.
[ Symptoms of reception ]
CPU fan returns and screen not turned on
[ Summary of Key Symptoms ]
There are two major defects as below.
1. Free screen - Poor main board
=> After replacing the test mainboard, the following symptoms are present
2. Screen but graphic broken
=> Graphic card defect => http://naver.me/5xNcRjRi (photo)
[ Supplementary Description ]
1. The reason for the not showing on the screen is considered to be a defect in the main board.
Your main board is not showing up the same way with my components (CPU, memory, power supply).
When connecting your parts (CPU, memory, power supply) to the test main board, it boots up and even displays the screen.
2. Although the screen appears, there is a symptom of reducing the screen. The symptom of breaking the screen is poor graphics card.
=> Same symptom implemented on 3 different chipset (H61, H67, B360) mainboards
Please refer to the picture on the right for the symptoms of screen breaking. ( http://naver.me/5xNcRjRi )
[ Additional Symptoms ]
Due to the lack of SSD capacity, you added a laptop hard disk for data storage.
The internal crack of SATA data cable plastic on the hard disk has occurred because you used it without fixing the bracket.
If the satar cable is not removed, there will be no problem in use, but if it breaks completely, it is recommended not to store important data because it will cause inconvenience to repair the SATA terminal.
=> Laptop hard disk is normally secured in the hard disk bay.
[ Computer repair costs ]
1. Used main board X,000 won
2-1. New RX570 XXM KRW
2-2. Used GTX1050XKRW
3. Please contact us how you will use the hard disk.
4. Reinstalling and Backing Up Windows
I think you've done initialization of the existing Windows on your own, but it looks good to reinstall it. (Including the cost of reinstalling the window when replacing the main board) When reinstalling the window, delete the C drive (SSD) and proceed with the reinstallation.
If you tell us the important data in advance, we will proceed with the format after backup.
I am sending you a summary by text message because the explanation is getting longer.
I'd appreciate it if you could call me after checking the contents.
The main board below is a defective main board. It's an H61 chipset, so it's a very old product. We're checking the CPU pins for good condition.
Below are the broken graphics card screen symptoms. Usually, there is only one component that is problematic in the computer repair process, but it is rare to have a complex defect as shown below. It could have been a problem that I didn't know well about. (The graphics cards below also worked normally on the B360 mainboard.) Eventually, the B360 mainboard also showed symptoms.)
H61 Screen Breaking on Mainboard
The B360 chipset also shows the screen normally.
B360M PRO4 Product Won't Break Screen
The graphics card overload test is in progress. We're testing the FurMark_1.21.1.0 program graphics card that can put some pressure on you because you can't overdo your work. I'm holding on well until half an hour.
We're also passing some graphics card fever tests.
Screen breaks as soon as tested on H61 mainboard again
H61 Screen Breaking Symptom on Mainboard
The same applies to cleaning the mainboard graphics card slot and the graphics card slot.
Same screen break symptom after cleaning graphics card slot and refitting
The screen breaks even when I connect it to a subcomputer using the H55 mainboard.
H55 Screen Breaking Symptoms on Mainboard
H61 Same screen break symptom on mainboard
The same symptom is realized when I put it back on the B360M PRO4 main board. Even though the desktop is broken and the screen is clean after rebooting as shown below, an error (feel mark) appears on the graphics card below.
I've replaced it with an RX 570 graphics card. Maybe it's because the main board is old, but the next screen doesn't load and only pops up because it's too big. Usually, the symptoms disappear when the mainboard bios are updated. The main board below is a non-maker, so it doesn't improve even if we proceed with the update.
I've updated the mainboard bios. In the case of the IPMS VER 2210 BIOS (IBBRIDGE SUPPORT) H61 main board, there are some unusual boards that require changing the jumper to proceed with the BIOS update, so we went to the manual to update it. I changed the jumper position as below and then proceeded with the BIOS update. The BIOS update is also in DOS mode.BAT (batch command) was used.
It's been a while since I went into the Win98 DOS screen and updated BIOS UP.Successfully executed BAT command. (Mainboard manda command is different. See the manufacturer's website)
Eventually, there was a problem that the RX570 graphics card did not recognize normally even though the update was carried out. We found the ASUS H61 main board in the warehouse and proceeded with the replacement. They wanted to replace the graphics card with the GTX 1050 graphics rather than the new RX570 graphics card, so we proceeded with the secondhand replacement. (There are few used parts.) Because if the generation is right and there's an unknown problem like this, an hour goes by so quickly... When talking on the phone before repairing, I recommended that you buy a new computer instead of fixing it because it's an old one. If it breaks down after a few repairs, it's a good choice to buy a new one rather than keep spending money on repairs.)
The problem I found during the repair was the crack in the plastic of the Sata data socket on the hard disk, which could soon cause problems with the hard disk. During the repair process, the sataport eventually broke and stuck in the satapot cable. If the cable is plugged in well, there may be no problem recognizing it, but if the cable and terminal are not properly connected, the speed of the hard disk may not work properly due to poor data cable connection.
The hard disk data cable socket is broken and embedded in the satar cable. If the SATA cable is connected well, it can be connected to the pin on the socket and the data can be removed, but it seems too much to continue using it is. We finished by moving all the data from the hard disk to another 2.5-inch hard disk and replacing the used 500-gigabyte hard disk for free (because it was cramped to some extent at the time of warehousing, no matter how carefully we worked during the rebuilding process, the crack plastic would have been damaged). It's damaged enough to plug in the satar cable and pull it out. However, we transferred the data and replaced it free of charge because it is a used part that has enough space in the store.)
Sataport Broken Hard Disk
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